By Adam S. Eterovich


Croatians All

I have spent many years writing to Encyclopaedias, Record Books, Source Books, Institutions and other holders of documents about Marco Polo, Pope Sixtus V, Joseph Haydn, Antonio Lucas-Lucich (the discoverer of oil in Texas), American Croatian Medal of Honor winners and Mathew Ivankovich at the discovery of gold in California. There are many other historical figures credited to Turkey, Italy, Venice, Hungary and Austria. I have advised them with documentation that they are Croatians.

Croatians say: “Why doesn’t anyone know anything about us or Croatia?” Blow your own horn. No one else will do it. No Croatian politicians in America or Croatia will do it.

There are no Croatian American institutions structured, funded or mandated to research Croatians or help Croatians with their heritage. As an example, all European nations have Genealogical Societies for family research, Croatia has none for their own people or their immigrants. Croatia will find that it is good for business and good relations to assist overseas Croatians in this manner.

Croatian Immigrant organizations in Croatia should stop the politics with their immigrants. I have personally witnessed 50 years of it here in California. Historically we are disappearing and have disappeared in America. The credit has been taken by other nations...we should take it back.


Croatian Cultural Genocide in America has been the end result of Croatian Political Organizations in America.


We will not disappear from America as Croatian Americans. There are those that built a foreign (Croatian) political foundation; they are disappearing and with them their antiquated and foreign politics that has no place in America and insults our intelligence. In a free and democratic society, ideas and institutions will fall  or rise on their own merits and not need any help. Croatian cultural genocide in America has been the end result of Croatian political organizations in America. People, for generations, have come to America to escape foreign politics; we do not need it transferred here, good or bad. Those that want it, go home but leave your dollars here, as you have no patriotic interest in America. We will not fight your wars; we will defend America.


Croatians that came to America after World War Two were the most educated and had the potential to succeed. Most settled in the cities and some transferred their old country vices and politics to America. They succeeded in some localities in intimidating Croatian Americans who would not follow their particular politic. This tactic did not succeed overall and now these politicians and their followers are in chaos. They did not join the old Croatian organizations, but instead formed political associations..these all disappeared and died; others left for Croatia and managed to transfer their ability of political bickering to Croatia (God help Croatia).


Another group of Croatians started to come to America in the 1970’s and could be called Croatian technocrats; they rejected all Croatian organizations in America and simply Kolo dancing, Tamburitza, Wine, Picnics or fun.


The Common Ground for the above groups was their inability to conduct a meeting using Roberts Rules of Order. Only 125,000 came; the “Old Colony” outnumbers them 30 to 1.


Statistics. Almost 90% of the Croatians in America were born in America; 10% born in Croatia. The opposite is true for Australia and Canada. Most Croatian cultural institutions were built by Croatians who came to America prior to World War Two; those that came after World War Two built practically no institutions in America, they have a problem and are the problem.


Future. If you want to see the Croatian future in Australia and Canada in 50 years, look at Croatian America today.


Diaspora. In English this means a wandering people such as Jews and Gypsies. Croatian “exiles” of the past 50 years created this term as sympathy for their plight and suffering; unfortunately this is now being used for all immigration.


Religion. There are 22 Croatian Catholic Churches in an America of 50 states. They service no more than 7% of the Croatians in America. Many are closing. As Croatian Americans increase their well being and economic status, they move to the suburbs; they cannot take their churches with them. Croatians, being Catholic, can go to any Catholic church; their children meet other ethnic catholics and assimilation is rapid with loss of identity.

Jewish Synagoges and Orthodox churches build social halls or cultural centers adjacent to their places of worship; they are able to retain their identity and or language much longer. They also have a strong Lay Board that manages all affairs of the Church.

The American Catholic Church is the most liberal in the world; the Croatian Catholic Church in America does not live in modern times; America has separation of Church and State and most Croatian Americans believe in this principle.


Language. Croatians are a small people as are Danes, Swedes, Norwegians in America. Language cannot be retained. Croatian is not taught in public high schools or in no more that seven universities in America. The Croatian Catholic Churches do not reach 7% of all Croatians living in America, even if they wanted to teach Croatian. The best and only place is in the home; this lasts one generation. American born Croatians in the 2nd-3rd-4th gereration will not and cannot learn Croatian.


Media. All Croatian newspapers and other media that were written in Croatian died; all Croatian newspapers and other media that were based on Croatian politics or religion died. Out of 100’s in the past, only one independent newspaper exists..the Croatian Times and it is bilingual. The Zajednicar of the Croatian Fraternal Union and the Nasa Nada of the Croatian Catholic Union are fraternal in nature and supported by them. Some religious publications come out of Chicago. Sutra Magazine is for the Croatian born reader. Matica Immigrant Magazine from Croatia is in Croatian for the most part and has dabbled in Croatian politics for 50 years, of which, Croatian Americans could care less. The saving grace is that most Croatian Americans cannot read Croatian..saving them from another headache.


Assimilation. Assimilation is rapid, immediate and final in America. America is so large, it consumes the small Croatian community with a passion. In order to deal with this, join them. Croatian ethnic retention can be maintained thru song, dance, food, sport, history, culture and strong institutions such as Churches, Cultural Centers, or the successful Croatian Fraternal Union and the Croatian Catholic Union. All others, will fade away into the American mainstream; Croatians do not live in “colonies”  and assimilate readily and willingly.


Institutions.  The Croatian Fraternal Union, organized 1894 (100,000) and the Croatian Catholic Union (20,000) are the largest Croatian organizations in the world. America has many small independent Croatian societies based on region such as the Korcula Club and independent cultural centers in America. Lodges of the Croatian Fraternal union have built social halls throughout America. There are many folklore groups and some radio programs.


Patriotism. Almost all Croatian Americans are patriotic to America and have served in the armed forces in many wars; they vote in American elections. We have a small body of Croatians in America that vote in foreign (Croatian) elections; even though this may be legal, Americans look at this as being un American and the question arises as to their willingness to serve America in time of war. A good example would be during World War Two in America, pro Germans and Italians were locked up as well as those Croatians that were pro Pavelic and fascists.


Survival. The old Croatian Slavonic Illyric Mutual and Benevolent Society was organized in San Francisco, California on November 17, 1857 over 144 years ago; they have over 500 members. The Society purchased the Croatian-Slavonian Cemetery in 1861 and built its first Cultural Center in the pioneer Goldmining center of Amador County in 1873. A new center was built 25 years ago in San Francisco with a value of 1.5 million dollars.

We receive $40,000 annually in City, State and Federal Grants for our Croatian Cultural activities and have just received over $400, 000. from the State of California for renovation for the performing arts.

From 1857 to the present date any type of discussion of politics or religion is not permited by our constitution and rules. This is in the American tradition. Since World War Two very few new Croatians have joined our association. We are alive and well and have lived thru our members coming from Venice, Italy, Turkey, Hungary, Austria, Jugoslavia twice and now, thank God, Croatia.

Adam S. Eterovich, Vice President.


Solution. Croatian immigrants should drop all Croatian politics, good or bad, and concentrate on what they wish to retain of their culture in America for their children as their children will, with a certainty, not play Croatian politics. The children are going to assimilate with or without you. Work within this reality and within the American political system and you will do more good for Croatia and your children as Americans.


Croatian Common Ground Platform: No Politics. As we say in America..throw the bums out. Join the Croatian Fraternal Union or the Croatian Catholic Union; form Croatian Business Associations.


Croatian Immigration: Business or Politics?


The Italian and Irish economies would have collapsed years ago if it were not for the overseas Italians and Irish immigrants. Irish and Italian products flood the American market and in many cases, the importer is Irish or Italian American. About twenty years ago in Croatia, immigrants sent home approximately 1.2 billion dollars per year; tourism, at the same time, earned 1.2 billion dollars per year. There was no insinuation of corruption, stealing or politics in that the immigrant monies went direct to individuals in Croatia. No product was sold or consumed; no invoicing was necessary; just pure profit.


The Croatian immigrant is business; he adds financial stability to Croatia; he spreads the word and good reputation of Croatia in the country of residence; he is not political; he is a pure gold bar. It is the business class and those that are industrious or economically well off who send money to Croatia; in most cases they are apolitical. Croatian politicians in immigration produce nothing and are not an industrious or wealthy group; they send only advice to Croatia.


The monies sent home today  to Croatia are estimated at four Billion dollars.


What Croatia Owes the Immigrant By J. Lupis-Vukic, Split 1934


Croatia does not understand its emigration problem nor the beneficent role that emigration plays in its economic and financial life.  Before the war the mass of emigrants, mostly from America, freed themselves from burdensome debt and sent savings, amounting to tens of million of gold Krone  to our banks.  War turned all these savings into nothing.  Fortunately, during the year, the emigrants in the America and South America made good earnings.  From 1919 to 1922 over 40,000 of these emigrants returned home, sending and bringing into the country, over 80 million dollars.  Those that remained abroad remitted yearly from 18 to 20 million dollars.  Since the establishment of Yugoslavia emigrants sent and brought to the country not less that 15 billion dinars.  Emigrant gold prevented the Dinar from following the course of the Austrian Krone and German Mark.  Emigrant money paid two thirds of all deficits in foreign trade and all  foreign obligations.  At the present moment our country receives no other gold except from emigrants.  The exceedingly passive trade balance with the America and South America is being settled by emigrants gold.  Yugoslavia has no statistics of emigrants’ deposits in out banks, but these certainly amount to more than a billion dinars.

Two-thirds of all new houses, built during the last 30 years in Croatia, Slovenia Dalmatia, Hercegovina and Montenegro, were built by emigrant money earned in  America or South America and the British Dominions.



MATICA ISELJENIKA HRVATSKA, Croatia “owes us”..Business is Business


I propose:


That Croatia and Croatians in Croatia support and finance a Croatian Institute in America as a private Educational, Non-profit group or at an American University. (See below how the Austrians and Hungarians accomplished this in America);


That a Croatian Immigrant Institute be funded and organized in Croatia by Croatians outside of Croatia;


That Matica Iseljenika Hrvatska become an Institute and have American, Canadian, Australian and Latin American born Croatians on its Board of Directors before we all disappear in immigration. We have the capability and objectivity to take politics out of anything;


That the Institute be Business-Economic and Cultural in purpose and orientation; that the institute act as a Chamber of Commerce for immigrants with business interests; that the Institute act as an Agent for cultural groups going to various immigrant communities to perform; and that the institute provide cultural and historical material and information to immigrants;


That the Institute have as its official language Croatian, English, Spanish and German since over five million Croatians live outside of Croatia.


Austrian Studies in America

A number of years ago Austrian immigrants in America tried to collect money for an Austrian Studies Chair at an American University. They did not succeed. Someone hit upon the idea to appeal to the Austrian people in Austria for a donation of $1.00 apiece; they succeeded!


Hungarian Studies at Rutgers University

The Institute for Hungarian Studies is the center of all instructional and scholarly activities related to Hungarian society, history, culture and language at Rutgers University. Established by an agreement between Rutgers and the Ministry of Culture and Education of the Republic of Hungary and highly valued financial support from the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Hungary and the Hungarian Fulbright Commission.



Adam S. Eterovich