Columbus Bibliography



Appendini, Francesco M. Notizie Storico-Critiche Sulle Antichita, Storia e litteratura de Ragusei, I-II. Dubrovnik, 1802. Includes Flota Ispano-Dubrovnik. States that two members of the Martolosich family were with Columbus.

Berwick de, y de Alba. Nuevos Autografos de Cristobal Colon y Relaciones de Ultramar. Madrid, 1902. Columbus Crew Lists.

Bourne, Edward G. The Voyages of Columbus and John Cabot. New York: Charles Scribner, 1906.

Camusso, Lorenzo. The Voyages of Columbus. New York: Barnes and Noble, 1990.

Collins, John. Christopher Columbus. New York: Stein and Day, 1977.

D'Esposito, Francesco. Navigazione Atlantica ed emigrazione. La provenienza dei marinai impregnati nella Carrera de Indias (1492-1586). Genova: Civico Instituto Colombiano, 1990. Mariners and others in the new World.

Eterovich, Adam S. “Columbus and Croatians.” Croatian American Times, November 16, 1999. Four Croatians with Columbus.

Eterovich, Adam S. Croatia in the New World: Columbus, The Republic of Ragusa (Dubrovnik) and Saint Vlaho (Saint Blaise) Patron Saint of Dubrovnik. San Carlos, Calif.: Ragusan Press, 1993. Four Croatians with Columbus.

Eterovich, Adam S. “Croatians and Columbus.” Zajednicar, December 26, 2001. Four Croatians with Columbus.

Eterovich, Adam S. “Hrvati na Kolumbovu Brodu.” Vecernji List, May 29, 1997. Croatians with Columbus by Adam S. Eterovich.

Fernandez-Arnesto, Felipe. Columbus. Oxford, 1991.

Fernandez-Duro, Cesareo. Colon y Pinzon. Madrid, 1883. Columbus and Pinzon. Hungaria on page 209.

Fuson, Robert. The Log of Christopher Columbus. Florida, 1988. Columbus Crew List.

Garner, Richard. Columbus and Related Family Papers, 1451 to 1902. Pennsylvania: Penn State, 1974.

Gould, Alice B. Nueva Lista Dokumentada de los Tripulantes de Colon en 1492. Madrid: Real Academia de la Historia, 1984. Columbus Crew Lists.

Mazov, Ivan. Makedonac Heretik i Bozanstvo.” Vus Jugoslavia, April 1, 1970. A Macedonian Slav with Columbus.

Mendoza, Torres D. Colleccion de Documentos In Editos Relativos al Descubrimento de America y Oceania. Madrid, 1884. Raguseo and inspection of Francisco de Orellana's fleet. Columbus Crew Lists also.

Morison, Samuel. Christopher Columbus Mariner. New York:

Meridian, 1983.

Morison, Samuel. Journals and other Documents of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus. New York: Heritage Press, 1963. Roster, voyage and payroll for the 4th voyage, 1502-1504. Mentions Francisco de Levante.

Savic, Milan. Accomplishments of Nikola Kaboga. Novi Sad, 1918. Claimed the Columbus came to Dubrovnik in 1491.

Taviani, Paolo. Columbus: The Great Adventure. New York: Crown, 1991.

Zeno, Niccolò, Richard Henry Major, and Bårdsson Ivar. The Voyages of the Venetian brothers, Nicolò & Antonio Zeno, to the northern seas in the XIVth century : comprising the latest known accounts of the lost colony of Greenland and of the Northmen in America before Columbus, Works issued by the Hakluyt Society ; no. 50. London: Printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1873.