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Vukovar was the target of more than 1,500,000 grenades in 1991
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic
Published on 10/27/2009
In 1991 the city of Vukovar in Croatia, on the Danube river, was the target of more than 1,500,000 grenades of all kinds of sizes in just a few months, and more than 13,500 houses were devastated. A favorite target during the Serbian aggression was 50m high water tower, on the left. The city is the birthplace of professor Lavoslav Leopold Ružička, distinguished expert in chemistry, one among three Croatian Nobel Prize winners.

Birthplace of Lavoslav Ružička, one among three Croatian Nobel Prize winners

Water tower in Vukovar, 50 m high, a favorite target during the Serbian aggression in 1991, hit by more than 600 projectiles.

 Prijatelji, budući da ćemo se uskoro na poseban način sjetiti Vukovara, njegovih junačkih branitelja i svih poginuli u obrani Domovine od srpske agresije, šaljem vam site na youtube-u gdje možete pogledati kratak video o Vukovaru.  Taj video je bio dio komemoracije koju smo imali u Chicagu prigodom 10. obljetnice bitke za Vukovar, a pripremio ga je Mime.  Kad smo ovog ljeta pakirali stvari za selenje nadjosmo taj CD i Mime ga je nedavno stavio na youtube.  Pogledajte, sjetite se, pomolite se.... pošaljite prijateljima i podsjetite ih na one koji dadoše živote da bi mi mogli slobodno živjeti.


Submitted by dr. Ante Chuvalo

Opsada i pad Vukovara, hrvatskog gradića na rijeci Dunav, nakon tromjesečne opsade Jugoslavenske narodne armije i srpskih paravojnih snaga te bezuspješnih tenkovskih napada 1991., jedinstven je događaj u povijesti ratovanja na europskom kontinentu.

U početku opsade na strani JNA i paravojnih srpskih postrojba sudjelovalo je 27.362 ljudi, 616 tenkova i 527 oklopnih transportera. Taj se broj 14. rujna 1991. povećao na 57.154 ljudi, 682 tenka, 623 oklopna transportera, dok se posljednjih dana opsade, od 10. do 18. studenoga 1991., broj popeo na nevjerojatnih 81.884 ljudi, 1097 tenkova i 984 oklopna transportera.

Snage hrvatskih branitelja s oružejm u samom gradu procjenjuju se na oko 1800 do 2200 pripadnika policije, te ZNG-a (Zbor narodne garde), HOS-a (Hrvatske obrambene snage) i dragovoljaca iz raznih krajeva Hrvatske, ustrojenih u 204. brigadu HV-a (Hrvatska vojska), razvučenih na fronti dužoj od 10 kilometara.

Hrvatske snage uništile su oko 400 tenkova i drugih oklopnih vozila i 27 aviona. Glavni stožer Hrvatske vojske procjenjuje gubitke JNA na 8.000 poginulih vojnika.

U Vukovaru je poginulo oko 1100 civila. Među poginulima bilo je i 86 djece. Ranjeno je 2500 osoba, od čega su 570 ostali trajni invalidi. Bez jednog ili oba roditelja ostalo je 858 djece.

Prognano je 22.000 Vukovaraca, a najmanje 2.796 odvedeno je u srpske logore. Iz masovnih grobnica do 2007. godine ekshumirane su 1982 osobe, od čega oko 200 na Ovčari, kamo su odvedeni iz gradske bolnice i ubijeni.

Joše se vodi postupak traženja za 486 nestalih i nasilno odvedenih. Po svjedočenju zapovjednika inženjerijskog puka JNA, nakon zauzimanja Vukovara sahranjeno je 1300 mrtvih, izvučenih iz ruševina.

204. brigada HV-a je u bitci za Vukovar imala 879 poginulih i nestalih, te 777 ranjenih branitelja.

Na Vukovar je palo više od 1.500.000 granata svih vrsta i veličina i srušeno oko 13.500 kuća.

The occupation of Vukovar, a small Croatian town on the Danube river, after three months of occupation of the Yugoslav National Army (JNA) and Serbian paramilatary unists and unsuccessful tanks attacs in 1991, is a unique event of warfare on the European continent.

In the beginning of the occupation on the side of JNA and Serbian paramilitary units 27,362 persons were participating,  616 tanks and 527 armoured personnel carriers. That number was increased on September 14th 1991 to 57,154 persons, 682 tanks and 623 armoured personnel carriers. During the last days of the occupation from 10th to 18th November the numbers increased to unbeleivable 81,884 persons, 1097 tanks and 984 armoured personnel carriers.

The number of Croatian defense forces in the city was approximately 1,800 to 2,200 members of the police forces, ZNG (Assembly of People's Guard), HOS (Croatian Defense Forces) volunteers from all parts of Croatia, organized in 204th brigade of HV (Croatian Army) and situated on the battle line longer than 10 km.

The Croatian forces destroyed over 400 tanks and other armoured personnel carriers and 27 aircrafts. The General Staff of the Croatian Army estimates the losses of JNA to 8,000 casualties.

In Vukovar died over 1,000 civilians. Among the casualties there were 86 children, 2,500 persons were wounded, and 570 remained disabled. 858 childredn remained without one or both parents.

22,000 citizens from Vukovar were exiled, and at least 2796 of them were taken to Serbian concentration camps. 1,982 persons were exhumed until 2007 from mass graves, aproximately 200 from Ovčara (a farm 5km from Vukvoar), where the persons from the City Hospital were taken and murdered.

The procedure of searching of 486 missing and abducted persons is still in progress. According to the testimony of the JNA engineering regiment commander, after the occupation of Vukvoar 1,300 dead people were burried that were pulled out of the ruins.

204th brigade of HV suffered 879 casualties, 879 missing and 777 wounded defenders in the battle for Vukovar.

Vukovar was the target of more than 1,500,00 grenades of all kinds of sizes, and more than 13,500 houses were devastated.

From an introduction to Heroes of Vukovar film series by Eduard & Dominik Galić.

Lavoslav Ružička and Vladimir Prelog, two out of three Croatian Nobel Prize winners.

Diploma of the Alfred Nobel Institute that professor Lavoslav Leopold Ružička earned in 1939  for his discoveries in the field of chemistry. See his Nobel Prize Lecture: [PDF]

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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