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Differential Equations and Applications a new Math journal in Croatia
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published  09/1/2009 | Science | Unrated
Math journal nicknamed DEA

In 2009 a new professional mathematical journal has been successfuly launched in Croatia, called Differential Equations and Applications, and nicknamed DEA. It has three editors in chief, Professor Mervan Pašić from Croatia, Professor Mats Gyllenberg from Finland and Professor Jean-Michel Rakotoson from France.

The journal is published in Zagreb by the Element Publishing House and the Department of Applied Mathematics of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing of the University of Zagreb, at the pace of four issues per year.

Professor Neven Elezović and his wife Silva, director of Element Publishing House in Zagreb.

The initiative of publishing this journal came from Professor Neven Elezović, who is managing editor of the journal. Its associate editor is Professor Vesna Županović.

The international Editorial board consists of 44 mathematicians from all over the world: Croatia, Finland, France, Brasil, Israel, Cote D'Ivoire, USA, China, Czech Republic, Belgium, Taiwan, Russia, Spain, Japan, Mexico, Thailand, Greece, South Korea, Hungary, Italy, Australia, and Germany.

Mervan Pašić, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Zagreb and editor in chief of DEA, with his son Patrik.

Aims and scope: Differential Equations & Applications (DEA) aims to publish original papers from the fields pertaining to ordinary, functional-differential, and partial differential equations. Only papers of the highest quality will be accepted for publication. The papers which demonstrate novelty, establish relations of differential equations with other fields of mathematics or examine a variety of applications of differential equations are particularly welcome.

Professor Vesna Županović, Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in Zagreb and associate editor of DEA, and Professor Mervan Pašić.

In Croatia there are at this moment altogether 9 professional mathematical journals. Three of them have been listed to SCIE (Science Expanded) data base, and one of  them (Operators and Matrices) to CC data base (Current Contents). Till 1993 Croatia had two mathematical journals. The oldest one is Glasnik Matematički.

More information about DEA is available at

Mathematical jokes, in Croatian

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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