![]() | Ivana Marija Vidović, Croatian pianist from the city of Dubrovnik, will soon be a guest of the University of Zadar. Her rectial includes compositions of Albéniz, Chopin, Liszt, Pejačević and Resta, starting at 21:00, May 30 2009. Students of the University will perform her poetry dedicated to Dora Pejačević, the first famous Croatian women composer. |
Ivana Marija Vidović, Croatian pianist from the city of Dubrovnik, will soon be a guest of the University of Zadar. Her rectial includes compositions of Albéniz, Chopin, Liszt, Pejačević and Resta, starting at 21:00, May 30 2009. Students of the University will perform her poetry dedicated to Dora Pejačević (1885-1923), the first famous Croatian women composer. For more information see www.ivanamarijavidovic.com . University of Zadar is the oldest one in Croatia, founded in 1396. Život cvijeća u Zadru Glasovir i Stihovi U subotu 30. svibnja Sveučilište u Zadru priređuje recital eminentne dubrovačke pijanistice Ivane Marije Vidović. Biti će to glasovirski recital s djelima Albéniza, Chopina, Liszta, Pejačević i Resta s početkom u 21 sat u Svečanoj dvorani Sveučilišta. Izuzetnost ovog recitala biti će recitacija stihova iz knjige pjesama Život cvijeća Ivane Marije Vidović koja je posvećena hrvatskoj skladateljici Dori Pejačević, a koju je Vidović napisala inspirirana njenim istoimenim klavirskim opusom 19. kojeg će u cjelosti tom prigodom i izvesti. Stihove će recitirati studentice Sveučilišta u Zadru: Kristina Grbin, Maja Balić i Vedrana Ivčić. Za dodatne informacije ili fotografije posjetite: www.ivanamarijavidovic.com |
Croatian painter and muralist Maximilian (Maxo) Vanka (Zagreb 1889 - Mexico 1963) completed his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, where later he became professor of painting. He also studied at the Brussels Academy of Fine Arts, Brussels, Belgium. As a young student he exhibited at an international show in the Belgian capital and in 1914 won the gold medal of King Albert at this event, for his Bistricki proštenjari (Marija Bistrica fairgoers) with beautiful Croatian folklore motives. He made a nice portrait of a famous Croatian female composer Dora Pejacevic (1885-1923): ![]() |
Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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