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Bratislav Lucin leading expert for Croatian Renaissance classic Marko Marulic
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic
Published on 04/4/2009
 Bratislav Lučin, distinguished Croatian scholar and director of Marulianum institute in the city of Split, has recently published two important books dealing with a famous Croatian Renaissance writer Marko Marulić 1450-1524. Marulić's books were read by St Francis Xavier, Cervantes, Thomas More, King Henry VIII, etc. Marko Marulić is the author of the notion of PSYCHOLOGY.

Marko Marulic was read by St Francis Xavier, Cervantes, Thomas More, King Henry VIII, part 1

Bratislav Lučin, born in 1956, director of Marulianum institute for the Marko Marulić studies in the city of Split

Here we provide some essential detail from the book concerning the importance of Marulić's work.

The book has been issued by the Croatian-German Society in Split and Zebra doo., as bilingual Croatian-German edition. We hope that the English edition of this important, popularly written and highly readable book will appear as well. The book is interspersed with illustrations of Ante Vukić, a painter from the city of Split.

Marko Marulić, 1450-1524, signed himself also as Pecinić, with De Marulis or Marulus as his artistic name.

Marulic's various books, in entirity or in parts, have been published throughout Europe more than five hundred times: in Venice, Rome, Florence, Bergamo, Reggio, Rimini, Treviso, Basel, Geneve, Köln, Erfurt, Dillingen, Solingen, Augsburg, Frankfurt, Antwerpen, Amsterdam, Paris, Reims, Lyon, Douai, Louvian, Madrid, Barcelona, Lisabon, Prague, Trnava, Vienna, Debrecen, Ljubljana, Dubrovnik, Yagreb, Split, Zadar, Vinkovci, etc.

Bratislav Lučin and his colleague Branko Jozić in their office at the Marulianum Institute in Split. We warmly recommend you to visit this very interesting and important Croatian institution (address: Marulianum, Ispod ure 3/I, 21000 Split, Croatia).

In recent times there are editions on the other side of Atlantic with respect to Europe: in Merida (Venezuela), Chicago, New York, Ann Arbor. His texts to date have been translated into twelve languages: Italian, German, French, Spanish, Portugese, Cyech, English, Flamish, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Slovenian, and Croatian.

Ante Vukić: The city of Split in time of Marko Marulić (15/16th centuries)

Ante Vukić: Marko Marulić on the island of Šolta near the city of Split

It is indicative that in the German city of Köln only,  four editions of his Evangelistary  have been published in just one year, 1529, and two more editions in 1531. Menawhile, in 1530 and 1531, two editions of his Institutions were published in the same city.

This map illustrates warious German libraries in possession of Marulić's books from the period of 16th to 17th centuries. Photo from Franz Leschinkohl: Povijesna uloga Evandjelistara i Institucije u 16. stoljecu (Historical role of Evangelistary and Institution in the 16th century, in Croatian), published in Colloquia Marvliana IIII, Književni krug, Split 1994., pp. 90 and 193. Franz Leschnikohl is a German scholar who speaks Croatian superbly.

In German libraries there are more than 500 samples of Marulic's books dating from 16th and 17th century, kept in as many as 57 cities. In Austrian libraries about 180 of his books have been identified till now, and 120 books in Swiss libraries. German lexicons and encyclopediae mention Marulic in 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. In 2000 a monument dedicated to Marko Marulić has been errected in Berlin in honour of 550 years since his birth.

Monument in honour of Marko Marulić in Berlin, Germany, built in  2000, on the occasion of 550 years since his birth. It was carved by Slavomir Drinković, Croatian sculptor.

The time of greatest success of Marko Marulic was 16th century: until the year 1601 his books have been published in in at least 80 editions, and maybe more than 100.

Carmen de doctrina Domini nostri iesu Christi pendentis in cruce was a part of De institutione. This poem was printed separatly more than hundred times in various translations into Spanish, French, Italian, English, Czech, Slovenian and Croatian. Its translation into Spanish was performed by a famous writer Luis de Sarria, known also as Luis de Granada.

Only in 16th and 15th centuries De Institutione was published at least 15 times, in Venice, Basel, Köln, Solingen, Antwerpen, and Paris. It was translated from original Latin into many languages. Already in the 16th century it was translated into Italian (11 or 12 editions between 1563 and 1610, that is, in less than 50 years!), German (7 editions), Portugese (2 editions), and French (at least 5 editions). In 17th century it was translated into Czech.

Academician Mirko Tomasović on the left, Mr. Zoran Ribarović, president of the Croatian-German Society in Split, and Mr. Ante Vukić, illustrator of the book, in Mirko Virius Gallery in Zagreb during the promotion of Bratislav Lučin's book, February 2009.

In the city of Split there is an important center for investigation of life and work of Marko Marulić, called Marulianum. Among other projects till now it has published 17 volumes of his collected works. This institution is directed by Bratislav Lučin.

Academician Mirko Tomasović, promoting the book by his dear colleague Bartislav Lučin in the Mirko Virius Gallery in Zagreb, February 2009.

Here we would like to mention very deserving investigatar, academician Mirko Tomasović, who made substantial contribution to our present knowlege about Marko Marulić. The Marulianum institute in Split was founded upon his initiative in 1995, with Bratislav Lučin as its president. This institution has collaboration with six most prestigeous journals in the world specialized for Humanism and Renaissance. According to Academician Tomasović, the French Encyclopedia dedicated ten lines to Marko Marulić. His name can be found even in the Brazilian Encyclopedia. He also stressed that international scholarly meetings devoted to Marko Marulić have been organized in American Congress, Prado in Madrid, in the National Library of Portugal. At Sorbonne University in Paris Marulić's Judith translated from Croatian into French by Charles Béné was promoted in the presence of sixty professors. International events were organized at the Guttenberg Museum in Mainz in Germany, at the famous Ambrosiana in Padova in Italy, etc.

Ante Vukić, Zoran Ribarović, Mirko Tomasović, and Željka Zdelar promoting the book by Bratislav Lučin in Zagreb.

Cahiers Croates - Croatian Notebooks, journal of the Croatian community in Paris (AMCA - Almae matris croaticae alumni), exhibited on shelves of the Marulianum institute in Split.

Please, go to the next page below.

Marko Marulic was read by St Francis Xavier, Cervantes, Thomas More, King Henry VIII, part 2

Bratislav Lučin (ed): The Marulić Reader, published in 2008 by the Marulianum, Split

Back cover of the book with basic information about its content.

From Split to Venice along the steps of Marko Marulić, another monograph by Bratislav Lučin, published in Croatian and Italian.

Marko Marulić day in Berlin, Germany, in 2008.

Marko Marulić of Split: Benevivendi Instituo, published in Basel, Switzerland, in 1513.

Judith, a famous book by Marko Marulić which he wrote in Croatian, published in Venice in 1521. And in the title, in second and third lines, he explicitely stated that the book was "composed in Croatian verses": u versih harvacki složena. See below:

... haruacki složena ...

Marko Marulić of Split: Evangelistary, translated in Spanish, published in Madrid in 1655. Please, note the Croatian Coat of Arms incorporated into the title page.

A page of Marulic's Evangelistarium annotated personnaly by the English King
Henry VIII, kept in the British Library (843 K 13), see Charles Béné
La reception des oeuvres de Marulic dans les provinces du Nord ,
in Colloquia Marvliana IIII, Knjizveni krug, Split 1994., p. 51. Source

Marko Marulić was the first who defined and used the notion of psychology, which is today in current use.


Charles Béné translated Marko Marulić's Judith from Croatian into French.

Charles Béné translated an important book by Mirko Tomasović from its Italian translation into French.

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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