We are happy to announce that Croatian cellist Stjepan Hauser, one of the most promising upcoming instrumentalist today, performed for Prince Charles at the Buckingham Palace on April 23rd, 2008. |
Svirati za Princa Charlesa bila je ogromna cast, tim vise sto sam svijestan cinjenice da zaista rijetki dobe takvu priliku. Ono sto me je zapravo najvise veselilo jest to da sam svirao komorna dijela sa posebno odabranim i najboljim clanovima Londonske Filharmonije. To su uistinu vrhunski muzicari te sam sretan da smo se skompali te planiramo daljnju suradnju!! Svirali smo dijela posebno aranzirana za tu vecer. Koncert se zbio u jednoj od velikih dvorana u Backingham palaci. Na koncertu su prisustvovali Princ Charles i Camilla te njihov uski krug najblizih suradnika i prijatelja iz reda lordova te visokog svecenstva. Nakon koncerta imao sam cast upoznati se te pricati sa princom koji mi je uputio cestitke za sjajnu vecer te izrazio njegovo divljenje. Upoznao sam i neke od drugih prisutnih. Povod svemu tome bila je jedna od proslava 60tog rodjendana Princa Charlesa. Dvorana u kojoj sam svirao izgledala je velicanstveno te je imala sjajnu akustiku! Puno pozdrava svim citateljima CROWNa Stjepan London, UK 24 travnja 2008 |
Still in his very early twenties, Croatian cellist Stjepan Hauser has already performed in the biggest venues in Europe, as the soloist with many major orchestras in this country and abroad. Most recently, his superb interpretation of Shostakovich's Cello Concerto No.1 with the Orchestra Sinfonica del Friuli Venezia Giulia in Teatro Comunale "Giuseppe Verdi" in Italy was enthusiastically praised by the audience and all media coverage. Outstanding performances in Croatia, Slovenia, the Netherlands, Ireland, Belgium, Austria, Albania, Germany, France, Italy, USA and the United Kingdom, with sensational debutes in Wigmore Hall, St. George's Bristol and St. Martin in the Fields, bear witness of his incomparable artistry. Stjepan has collected a total of 19 first prizes among national and international competition. Since he came to London Stjepan won twice MBF Music Education Award 2005 and 2006, Prestiguos Frankopan Award, J & A Beare Prize for Classical Concerto, 1st prize in the Vivian Joseph Classical Concerto Competition 1st prize in the Leonard Smith & Felicity Young Competition 2007 and 1st prize in the Vera Kantrovich Bach Competition 2007. This young cellist has impressed the most revered artists such as Mstislav Rostropovich, Heinrich Schiff, Bernard Greenhouse, Ralph Kirshbaum, Young-Chang Cho, Karine Georgian, Hyoung-Won Chang, Silvia Sondeckiene, Valter Despalj, Reinhard Latzko, Karloy Botvay, Natalia Pavlutskaya, Alexander Ivashkin, Daniel Weiss, Ivry Gitlis, Rivka Golani to mention a few. Currently he is completing his studies under the guidance of Natalia Pavlutskaya in London, and is also closely guided by maestro Bernard Greenhouse. In October 2006 he was the only cellist chosen to perform in the gala concert at Palazzo Vecchio, Florence for the late Mstislav Rostropovich. Following the success of this appearance Stjepan has been invited to perform at the most prestigious festivals in Europe. Stjepan has appeared on a documentary film performing for the late Russian master, and also on his stunning rediton of Bruch's Kol Nidrei accompanied by Metropolitan Sinfonia, filmed by the BBC. Stjepan Hauser is a member of the Greenwich Trio described by legendary Bernard Greenhouse as the new "Beaux Arts Trio" which was formed in August 2006, and since its very beginning has gained appraisal for their numerous performances. These three phenomenal talents joined forces in August 2006. Since the very start, their breathtaking chamber music making has gained the unanimous appraisal of audiences and critics. The trio won both the first and the audience prize of the Cavatina Chamber Music Competition, a result that was followed by a series of highly praised concerts all around Europe. They are the current holders of the first prize in the Trinity Laban Chamber Music Competition, and of the first and special prizes at the International Chamber Music Competition in Candelo, Italy. The Greenwich Trio receives now regular coaching from legendary Bernard Greenhouse, and has received coaching from Deniz Gelenbe, Martino Tirimo and Rivka Golani, and master classes from Bernard Greenhouse (Beaux Arts Trio), Ivry Gitlis, Klaus Maetzl (Alban Berg Quartet), Wihan Quartet, The Schubert Ensemble, The Rosamunde Trio, The Arman Trio and William Aide. The Greenwich Trio counts itself as one of the most energetic, passionate and refined trios of the music world, with performances that have taken by storm audiences in Germany, Italy and the USA. www.stjepanhauser.com thegreenwichtrio.webs.com |
Hrvatski violončelist Stjepan Hauser, iako tek u ranim dvadesetim godinama, već je nastupao kao solist sa vodećim orkestrima u zemlji i inozemstvu u najprestižnijim dvoranama i festivalima diljem Europe. Nedavno njegova interpretacija Shostakovich koncerta za violoncello i orkestar uz pratnju Orchestra Sinfonica del Friuli Venezia Giulia u Teatro Comunale "Giusseppe Verdi" euforicčno je primljena s oduševljenjem i publike i kritike. Osim u Hrvatskoj gostovao je i u Sloveniji, Nizozemskoj, Irskoj, Belgiji, Austriji, Engleskoj, Albaniji, Italiji, Njemačkoj, SAD-u i Francuskoj sa senzacionalnim debijima u Wigmore Hallu, St George's Bristolu te St. Martin in the Fields-u. Ovaj mladi violoncelist oduševio je te surađivao sa najeminentnijih svjetskim umjetnicima i pedagozima, kao što su Mstislav Rostropovich, Heinrich Schiff, Bernard Greenhouse, Ralph Kirshbaum, Karine Georgian, Young-Chang Cho, Hyong-Won Chang, Silvia Sondeckiene, Valter Dešpalj, Reinhardt Latzko, Karoly Botvay, Natalia Pavlutskaya, Alexander Ivashkin, Daniel Weiss, Ivry Gitlis, Rivka Golani i mnogi drugi. Trenutačno je student u Londonu u klasi prof. Natalie Pavlutskaye te u Bostonu pod vodstvom Bernarda Greenhousa. Osvojio je međunarodnu MBF Music Education Award 2005. i 2006. godine, prestižnu Frankopan Fund Award te J & A Beare Prize for Classical Concerto. Dobitnik je prve nagrade na Vivian Joseph Classical Concerto natjecanja, prve nagrade na Leonard Smith & Felicity Young natjecanja te prve nagrade na Vera Kantrovich Bach Competition 2007. U listopadu 2006. godine nastupio je kao jedini izabrani violončelist na veličanstvenom koncertu u čast i u prisustvu Mstislava Rostropovicha, u Palazzo Vecchio u Firenci, nakon kojeg je maestro opisao Hausera kao najtalentiranijeg mladog violoncelista kojeg je ikad čuo. Uoči nastupa imao je i masterclass, kojeg je maestro odlučio filmski dokumentirati. Hauserova izvedba M. Bruchov 'Kol Nidrei' u pratnji Metropolitan Sinfonie, dokumentirana je od strane britanskog BBC-a te je kori[tena kao soundtrack za poznati Britanski triler Britz, u kojem se pojavljuje i sam Hauser. Stjepan je član The Greenwich Tria opisanog od strane legendarnog Bernarda Greenhousa kao novi "Beaux Arts Trio" koji se formirao u septembru 2005. Od samog početka postižu visoke međunarodne rezultate te dobijaju najviše pohvale za njihove brojne nastupe. Formiran od troje izvanredno nadarenih umjetnika, trio osvaja prvu nagradu i nagradu publike na Cavatina Chamber Music Competition koja rezultira serijom izvanrednih koncerata u Engleskoj, Austriji, Italiji, SAD-u, Sloveniji i Hrvatskoj. Ansambl surađuje te pohađa majstorske tečajeve kod brojnih eminentnih umjetnika i ansambala kao sto su Ivry Gitlis, Bernard Greenhouse, Martino Tirimo, Natalia Pavlutskaya, Beaux Arts Trio, Klaus Maetzl. Alban Berg Quartet, Wihan Quartet, The Schubert Ensamble of London, Rosamunde Trio, Rivka Golani, … Niti dvije godine nakon osnutka The Greenwich Piano Trio postaje jedan od najsjajnijih i najenergičnijih trija na Londonskoj sceni. Oni su nosioci prve nagrade Trinity Laban SU natjecanja te prve i posebne nagrade međunarodnog natjecanja komorne glazbe u Candelu. Budući brojni nastupi uključuju koncerte u prestižnim dvoranama diljem Europe uključujući i čuveni St. Martin in the Fields. www.stjepanhauser.com thegreenwichtrio.webs.com |
The Greenwich TrioLana Trotovsek, violinStjepan Hauser, celloYoko Misumi, pianoThe Greenwich Trio has been described by legendary Bernard Greenhouse as the new "Beaux Arts Trio". These outstanding gifted musicians joined forces in August 2006, and since the very beginning the ensemble has gained appraisal in their numerous performances. The trio won both the first and the audience prize of the Cavatina Chamber Music Competition, a result that was followed by a series of highly praised concerts all around Europe. They are the current holders of the first prize in the Trinity Laban Chamber Music Competition, and of the first and special prizes at the International Chamber Music Competition in Candelo, Italy. Under the attentive protection of Trinity College of Music, The Greenwich Trio has received coaching from Deniz Gelenbe, being closely guided by artists such as Martino Tirimo and Rivka Golani. Besides, they have received master classes from Bernard Greenhouse (Beaux Arts Trio), Klaus Maetzl (Alban Berg Quartet), Wihan Quartet, The Schubert Ensemble, The Rosamunde Trio, The Arman Trio, William Aide, and Ivry Gitlis amongst many others. Barely one year after its formation, the ensemble counts itself as one of the most refined, passionate and energetic trios of the music scene, with performances that have taken by storm audiences in Germany, Italy and the US. Their success home and abroad is leading them to perform in important music festivals around Europe including a forthcoming concert in St. Martin in-the-Fields. thegreenwichtrio.webs.com |
Stjepan Hauser, violoncelloCroatian cellist Stjepan Hauser, already known for his magical, unique, and charismatic performances, is one of the leading cellists today. Only in his very early twenties, he has already performed in the biggest venues in Europe. As soloist he has performed with many major orchestras in this country and abroad. Most recently, his superb interpretation of Shostakovich's Cello Concerto No.1 with the Orchestra Sinfonica del Friuli Venezia Giulia in Italy was enthusiastically praised by audience and all media coverage. Stjepan Hauser has given a series of outstanding performances in Croatia, Slovenia, the Netherlands, Ireland, Belgium, Austria, Albania, Germany, France, Italy, the USA, United Kingdom, performing in their biggest festivals and with a highly acclaimed debut in Wigmore Hall in November 2005. In total, Stjepan has collected 19 first prizes among national and international competitions. During his time in London Stjepan won twice MBF Music Education Award 2005 and 2006, the prestigious Frankopan Award, 1st prize in the Vivian Joseph Classical Concerto competition, 1st prize in the Leonard Smith & Felicity Young Competition 2007 and first prize in the Vera Kantrovich Bach Competition. Stjepan has impressed and worked with the most famous artists such as Mstislav Rostropovich, Heinrich Schiff, Bernard Greenhouse, Ralph Kirshbaum, Karine Georgian, Young-Chang Cho, Hyoung-Won Chang, Silvia Sondeckiene, Valter Despalj, Reinhard Latzko, Karloy Botvay, Natalia Pavlutskaya, Alexander Ivashkin, Daniel Weiss, Ivry Gitlis, and Rivka Golani. Currently he is completing his studies under the guidance of Natalia Pavlutskaya in London. In 2006 he was the only cellist chosen to perform in the gala concert at Palazzo Vecchio, Florence for the late Mstislav Rostropovich. This was followed by an invitation to perform at the most prestigious concert venues in Europe. Stjepan has appeared on film performing for the late Russian master - documentary film - and in his stunning rendition of Bruch's Kol Nidrei together with Metropolitan Sinfonia, filmed by the BBC. In December 2007 Stjepan will perform on the Gala concert in St George's Bristol, as a tribute to Mr. Rostropovich where he will dedicate his interpretation of Kol Nidrei to him. Stjepan is now closely guided by Maestro Bernard Greenhouse, and had the immense honour to be invited to study with the trio in his house in Massachusetts to work on all the main music literature. thegreenwichtrio.webs.com/stjepanhauser.htm |
Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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