Providing Vision and Leadership at a Time of Global Crisis. Feature presentations by a number of current and former heads of state, many of whom will be in New York for the United Nations' "Climate Change" conference |
Universal Peace Federation Assembly 2007
International Leadership Conference
"Providing Vision and Leadership
at a Time of Global Crisis"
New York, New York, USA - September 21-25, 2007
Mr. Mithat PASIC, Counsellor of Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina said,"all conflict is caused to people's greed. All other reason, different color of the skin, different religions are used to just excuse. So, I would like to support the proposal of UPF having Religious Council in UN."
Friday, September 21
All Day Arrivals
3:00 PM Registration Opens
6:30 PM Reception
7:00 PM Dinner
8:00 PM Opening Plenary:
Providing Vision and Leadership at a Time of Global Crisis
UPF Chaairman's Address
Saturday, September 22
7:30 AM Breakfast
9:00 AM ILC Session II: The Need for New Vision and Leadership
9:30 AM ILC Session III: A Vision of Peace: One World Family Under God
10:30 AM Coffee Break
11:00 AM ILC Session IV: Religion, Spirituality and Leadership
12:30 AM Lunch
2:00 PM ILC Session V: Understanding the Root Cause of Conflict
2:45 PM ILC Sesson VI: The Restoration of Relationships: Principles of
Reconciliation and Peacebuilding
3:30 PM Break
4:00 PM ILC Session VII: Marriage and Family as Instruments of Peace
5:30 PM Break
6:00 PM ILC Session VIII: United Nations Renewal: The Signifiance of
Civil Society and Religion
7:00 PM Dinner
Sunday, September 23
Summit on Peace: The Summit on Peace is a special feature of the Assembly and the ILC, and will feature presentations by a number of current and former heads of state, many of whom will be in New York for the United Nations' "Climate Change" conference on September 24th, followed by the High Level Segment of the 62nd General Assembly. Several former and current heads of state and government will be featured speakers at the Summit, along with senior diplomats, civil society leaders and spiritual leaders. The primary questions to be addressed in the UPF Summit are as follows: At this critical time in history what needs to be done to create a world of lasting peace and human development? What kind of human change is needed for peace to become a reality? What is working and what is not? What innovations or changes are needed to move humanity forward beyond conflict and poverty? What is role of government? Civil society?
Religious and spiritual leaders?
7:30 AM Breakfast
9:00 AM Summit Session I: What kind of vision and leadership are needed
at this time in history and what steps must be taken by
governments, civil society or spiritual institutions to create a
world of lasting peace and human development?
10:30 AM Break
11:00 AM Summit Session II: What kind of vision and leadership are needed
at this time in history and what steps must be taken by
governments, civil society or spiritual institutions to create a world
of lasting peace and human development?
12:30 AM Lunch Program
2:00 PM Universal Peace Federation
Anniversary Assembly Program
4:30 PM Break
5:00 PM Summit Session III: What kind of vision and leadership are needed
at this time in history and what steps must be taken by
governments, civil society or spiritual institutions to create a world
of lasting peace and human development?
Monday, September 24
7:30 AM Breakfast
9:00 AM ILC Session XII: Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution
10:00 AM Break
10:30 AM ILC Session XIII: Peacebuilding Initiatives
12:30 PM Lunch
2:00 PM ILC Session XIV: Working Groups
4:00 PM Coffee Break
4:30 PM ILC Session XV: Closing Session
7:00 PM Closing Dinner
Tuesday, September 25
6:30 AM Breakfast
All day Departures
Additional Meetings
Formated for CROWN by Nenad Bach
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