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Top US Universities did begin to post FREE courses on the web, open to all
By Franjo Radošević
Published on 02/16/2007

Universities are posting online everything from lecture notes to sample tests, and even making audio and video

Yale University will produce digital videos of undergraduate lecture classes for free.

Top US Universities did begin to post FREE courses on the web, open to all:
1)       MIT (
2)       Uni of Notre Dame (
3)       Tufts Uni (
4)       Stanford Uni (
5)       Uni Of Ca Berkeley ( or
So far those programs attracted over a million visitors. Universities are posting online everything from lecture notes to sample tests, and even making audio and video files of actual lectures publicly available. MIT posts syllabus and class notes for more than 1, 500 courses online for anyone who wants them.
OCW = OpenCourseWare
Yale University will produce digital videos of undergraduate lecture classes for free.
Many other schools are following the lead of MIT. By this fall, it will be possible to literally study from home. Universities are not concern of losing future students. In fact they will be getting much more motivated ones, because there is no substitute to the direct contact with the teacher.
Lets help all Croatians to get better, more competitive education of the world class.

Formated for CROWN by Nenad Bach
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