CROWN - Croatian World Network -
(E) "Collegium Antropologicum" the most improved in the world
By Nenad N. Bach
Published on 09/28/2003


Croatian "Collegium Antropologicum" officially the most improved

social science journal in the world for mid-2002.


Dragi Nenade,

Saljem Vam slijedeci clanak koji sam upravo nasao na MedLine.
Osobno mislim da je vrijedan pozornosti citatelja Crowna. Usput, MedLine je
konacno promijenio oznaku jezika uz hrvatske casopise u "Croatian".
(Pre)dugo smo cekali, ali koncano se ostvarilo.

Primite srdacan pozdrav, Stanislav

Croatian "Collegium Antropologicum" officially the most improved
social science journal in the world for mid-2002.

Rudan P, Skaric-Juric T, Rudan I.
Coll Antropol. 2003 Jun;27(1):S1-4.

Thomson ISI's bimonthly web-product ISI Essential Science Indicators
(ESI) is an in-depth analytical tool that regularly reports quantitative
analyses of research performance and science trends, covering about 8,500
scientific journals from the entire world. In each issue ESI lists the
scientists, institutions, countries and journals that are most improved from
one update to the next, i.e. that show the largest percentage increase in
total citations. In its edition of January 2003, it reported that our
"Collegium Antropologicum" was the most improved journal in the field of
Social Sciences during the period from July 2002 to September 2002. The
field of Social Sciences is one of 22 categories of science regularly
analyzed by ESI. It includes anthropology, public health, sociology, social
work and policy, political science, law, education, communication, library
and information sciences, environmental studies and rehabilitation. Due to
journal's success, which is based on publications of predominantly Croatian
scientists within the past seven post-war years, Croatia was also officially
the most improved among more than 200 countries, and University of Zagreb
was the most improved in the field of Social Science among thousands of
other institutions. We hope that this is an early sign of revival of the
scientific activity in our country after the War in Croatia (1991-1995).

(E) "Collegium Antropologicum" the most improved in the world


Croatian "Collegium Antropologicum" officially the most improved

social science journal in the world for mid-2002.


Dragi Nenade,

Saljem Vam slijedeci clanak koji sam upravo nasao na MedLine.
Osobno mislim da je vrijedan pozornosti citatelja Crowna. Usput, MedLine je
konacno promijenio oznaku jezika uz hrvatske casopise u "Croatian".
(Pre)dugo smo cekali, ali koncano se ostvarilo.

Primite srdacan pozdrav, Stanislav

Croatian "Collegium Antropologicum" officially the most improved
social science journal in the world for mid-2002.

Rudan P, Skaric-Juric T, Rudan I.
Coll Antropol. 2003 Jun;27(1):S1-4.

Thomson ISI's bimonthly web-product ISI Essential Science Indicators
(ESI) is an in-depth analytical tool that regularly reports quantitative
analyses of research performance and science trends, covering about 8,500
scientific journals from the entire world. In each issue ESI lists the
scientists, institutions, countries and journals that are most improved from
one update to the next, i.e. that show the largest percentage increase in
total citations. In its edition of January 2003, it reported that our
"Collegium Antropologicum" was the most improved journal in the field of
Social Sciences during the period from July 2002 to September 2002. The
field of Social Sciences is one of 22 categories of science regularly
analyzed by ESI. It includes anthropology, public health, sociology, social
work and policy, political science, law, education, communication, library
and information sciences, environmental studies and rehabilitation. Due to
journal's success, which is based on publications of predominantly Croatian
scientists within the past seven post-war years, Croatia was also officially
the most improved among more than 200 countries, and University of Zagreb
was the most improved in the field of Social Science among thousands of
other institutions. We hope that this is an early sign of revival of the
scientific activity in our country after the War in Croatia (1991-1995).