Dear friends in north America and elsewhere, It is probably appropriate that a friend, who lives in Europe, and who does understand the culture and the ambiance you live in, wishes you from the depth of his human heart: Happy Thanksgiving Holiday! How many happy Thanksgivings have I spent in north America with people of different creed, race or background ... So, it is with such a Spirit of Love and Sharing that I offer these few words -- how little, yet how precious in this day and age ... Today, we should pardon ... first of all -- to our own little selves! Yes, to ourselves, as we are most of the time our own worst enemies ... And then, we shall send our love and thanks to all our friends and pardon to all our enemies. Yes, we shall pardon our enemies. It is difficult, sometimes almost impossible, but please let's do it. We should live in Love only, yet, we all live in our own 'web' surrounded by various shades of fear, and it creates troubles, tragedies or terror ... So, spend few minutes tonight and first pardon yourself and all your loved ones and then remember EVERYBODY you ever met or whose trace you crossed in your life ... ... and send them all your unselfish Love from your heart: ... and tell everybody that it's a miracle that we can ALL share THIS - together - whatever THIS, i.e. Miracle of Life, means to you: - the proof -- read again these written words on the screen ... It is the Thanksgivings evening already here in Switzerland: my children, Marko and Ana, are lighting candles and the dinner is soon going to be served ... ... yet, before I join my own sweet little family, let me greet you all, my 'invisible', Internet-family: With Thanks -enjoy- Giving Your Love to All, Davor Montreux, Switzerland I will join Davor and Wish you all Happy ThanksforGiving. Dan Zahvalnosti. Nenad New York, USA distributed by CROWN (Croatian World Net) -