CROWN - Croatian World Network -
(E) Croatia:New Math - Letter to the Editor by Peter Curko
By Nenad N. Bach
Published on 07/22/2002

Lettersto theEditors

One wonders: Had the Mexican government stirred up the sizable Mexican minority communities in California, Arizona, or New Mexico to declare outright independence from the U.S. and lay claim to huge portions of those states, then back them up with military force, would the United States hesitate to expel these aggressors? I doubt it, and I don't believe the American people would have any problem with it. Yet your article has the gall to question Croatia's right to self-defense. 

Ask yourself, did one bomb fall on the land of Serbia during the Serbs' attack on Croatia? Did one bullet stray into their territory? The answer is no. Yet Croatia alone is forced to rebuild its crushed infrastructure, its places of worship, and its hospitals without any reparation (yet) from Serbia, or any apology from Serbia's leaders for the atrocities committed during the war. The Serb leader, Vojislav Kostunica, bluntly refused such an apology just a few days ago while meeting with the leaders of Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina.

I cannot, try as I might, comprehend your misguided attempts at "journalism". What of the rights of Croatians in Serbia? What of the Yugoslavia of the past century which was politically dominated and manipulated by Serbia, which led to abuses of all non-Serbs throughout that artificial state? Did you ask yourself, how did those Serbs get to such a pre-war percentage of the Croatian population? Isn't the imbalance between that figure and the Croatian population in Serbia a bit suspicious?

Please make SOME attempt at even-handed journalism in the future. Do not brainwash an already underinformed people about the truth pertaining to the victimization of Croatia and its neighbors at the hands of the Serbs.

Peter Curko

(E) Croatia:New Math - Letter to the Editor by Peter Curko

Lettersto theEditors

One wonders: Had the Mexican government stirred up the sizable Mexican minority communities in California, Arizona, or New Mexico to declare outright independence from the U.S. and lay claim to huge portions of those states, then back them up with military force, would the United States hesitate to expel these aggressors? I doubt it, and I don't believe the American people would have any problem with it. Yet your article has the gall to question Croatia's right to self-defense. 

Ask yourself, did one bomb fall on the land of Serbia during the Serbs' attack on Croatia? Did one bullet stray into their territory? The answer is no. Yet Croatia alone is forced to rebuild its crushed infrastructure, its places of worship, and its hospitals without any reparation (yet) from Serbia, or any apology from Serbia's leaders for the atrocities committed during the war. The Serb leader, Vojislav Kostunica, bluntly refused such an apology just a few days ago while meeting with the leaders of Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina.

I cannot, try as I might, comprehend your misguided attempts at "journalism". What of the rights of Croatians in Serbia? What of the Yugoslavia of the past century which was politically dominated and manipulated by Serbia, which led to abuses of all non-Serbs throughout that artificial state? Did you ask yourself, how did those Serbs get to such a pre-war percentage of the Croatian population? Isn't the imbalance between that figure and the Croatian population in Serbia a bit suspicious?

Please make SOME attempt at even-handed journalism in the future. Do not brainwash an already underinformed people about the truth pertaining to the victimization of Croatia and its neighbors at the hands of the Serbs.

Peter Curko