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(E) Bill Rancic Croatian-American, Finalist on the "Apprentice"
By Nenad N. Bach
Published on 04/14/2004


Croatian, Bill Rancic of Chicago,

a finalist on NBC's reality series 'The Apprentice.''


An undated publicity photo of Bill Rancic of Chicago, a finalist on NBC's reality series 'The Apprentice.'' Four finalists will vie Thursday, April 8, 2004, for a job with Donald Trump. The series ends April 15, (AP Photo/NBC,Scott Duncan)


This is a translation of an article that appeared in Slobodna Dalmacija on Easter. The original article along with the link is below.


Bill Rancic An American Television Success for a 32-year old Croatian

A Splicanin in the finals of Donald Trunp's Reality Show

Next Thursday, Bill Rancic will fight for victory on a 2-hour finale, which will bring an influential managerial position in Donald Trump's corporation and a pay of $250,000

Bill Rancic, whose roots are from Split, was successful in entering the finals of one of the most watched shows. In the NBC televised series, the 32-year-old has almost reached signing a one-year managerial contract with one of Donald Trump's corporations worth $250,000. We previously mentioned in out TV section - Reflektor that the young Chicagoan is one of the biggest stars of "The Apprentice," and has overcome one more obstacle, with some 23 million people watching to enter in the finals, where his final obstacle will be Kwame Jackson from New York.

Bill Rancic has delighted audiences with his management of his work assignments and is an owner of an online cigar shop, and it seems he easily surpassed the 215,000 people who entered. He was among the first who had to produce a rock concert in two days, or when he had to suddenly organize a lemonade stand on a New York street and sell more. Just as easily, when the contestants had to remodel a ruined apartment and rent it for a higher price.

In an interview with Slobodna Dalmacija, earlier this week, Bill Rancic mentioned that his grandfather Nikola Rancic moved to the United States from Split, and that he plans to visit the country of his ancestors. Next Thursday Bill Rancic will fight in a 2-hour finale to win an influential managerial position in the Donald Trump Corporation, and because of an agreement with the producers, he could not tell us what will be the last assignment for him and his final opponent Kwame Jackson.


Splicanin u finalu reality
showa Donalda Trumpa!

Sljedeceg cetvrtka Bill Rancic ce se u dvosatnom showu na NBC-u boriti za pobjedu koja donosi utjecajno managersko mjesto u korporaciji Donalda Trumpa uz placu od 250 tisuca dolara

Splicanin podrijetlom, Bill Rancic, uspio je uci u finale jednog od najgledanijih americkih reality showa. U seriji emisija televizijskoga kanala NBC, 32-godisnji Rancic je dosao na korak do potpisivanja godisnjeg ugovora od 250 tisuca dolara na mjestu managera jedne od tvrtki bogatasa Donalda Trumpa, inace pokrovitelja showa.
Vec smo u nasem televizijskom prilogu Reflektor pisali kako je mladic iz Chicaga, jedna od najvecih zvijezda emisija The Apprentice, a sada je prosao jos jednu prepreku te uz gledanost od cak dvadeset tri milijuna ljudi usao u samu zavrsnicu gdje ce mu jedina prepreka biti Njujorcanin Kwame Jackson.

Bill Rancic je publiku odusevio iznimnim snalazenjem u poslovnim zadacima, pa je vlasnik online trgovine cigarama, cini se s lakocom nadmasio ukupno 215.000 prijavljenih kandidata. Bio je meC‘u prvima kad je u dva dana trebalo isproducirati rock koncert ili kad je na brzinu na newyorskoj ulici trebalo oformiti stand za prodaju limunade te prodati sto vise. Jednako je bilo i sa zadatkom kad su natjecatelji morali obnoviti ruinirani stan te ga iznajmiti po sto visoj cijeni...

U razgovoru za Slobodnu Dalmaciju, ranije ovoga tjedna, Bill Rancic je ispricao kako se njegov djed Nikola Rancic iz Splita doselio u Sjedinjene Drzave, te da i on sam planira posjetiti zemlju svojih predaka.
Sljedeceg cetvrtka Bill Rancic ce se u dvosatnom showu na NBC-ju boriti za pobjedu koja donosi utjecajno managersko mjesto u korporaciji Donalda Trumpa, a prema ugovoru s producentima nije nam mogao reci sto ce biti zadaci za njega i jedinog preostalog konkurenta Kwamea Jacksona.

(E) Bill Rancic Croatian-American, Finalist on the "Apprentice"


Croatian, Bill Rancic of Chicago,

a finalist on NBC's reality series 'The Apprentice.''


An undated publicity photo of Bill Rancic of Chicago, a finalist on NBC's reality series 'The Apprentice.'' Four finalists will vie Thursday, April 8, 2004, for a job with Donald Trump. The series ends April 15, (AP Photo/NBC,Scott Duncan)


This is a translation of an article that appeared in Slobodna Dalmacija on Easter. The original article along with the link is below.


Bill Rancic An American Television Success for a 32-year old Croatian

A Splicanin in the finals of Donald Trunp's Reality Show

Next Thursday, Bill Rancic will fight for victory on a 2-hour finale, which will bring an influential managerial position in Donald Trump's corporation and a pay of $250,000

Bill Rancic, whose roots are from Split, was successful in entering the finals of one of the most watched shows. In the NBC televised series, the 32-year-old has almost reached signing a one-year managerial contract with one of Donald Trump's corporations worth $250,000. We previously mentioned in out TV section - Reflektor that the young Chicagoan is one of the biggest stars of "The Apprentice," and has overcome one more obstacle, with some 23 million people watching to enter in the finals, where his final obstacle will be Kwame Jackson from New York.

Bill Rancic has delighted audiences with his management of his work assignments and is an owner of an online cigar shop, and it seems he easily surpassed the 215,000 people who entered. He was among the first who had to produce a rock concert in two days, or when he had to suddenly organize a lemonade stand on a New York street and sell more. Just as easily, when the contestants had to remodel a ruined apartment and rent it for a higher price.

In an interview with Slobodna Dalmacija, earlier this week, Bill Rancic mentioned that his grandfather Nikola Rancic moved to the United States from Split, and that he plans to visit the country of his ancestors. Next Thursday Bill Rancic will fight in a 2-hour finale to win an influential managerial position in the Donald Trump Corporation, and because of an agreement with the producers, he could not tell us what will be the last assignment for him and his final opponent Kwame Jackson.


Splicanin u finalu reality
showa Donalda Trumpa!

Sljedeceg cetvrtka Bill Rancic ce se u dvosatnom showu na NBC-u boriti za pobjedu koja donosi utjecajno managersko mjesto u korporaciji Donalda Trumpa uz placu od 250 tisuca dolara

Splicanin podrijetlom, Bill Rancic, uspio je uci u finale jednog od najgledanijih americkih reality showa. U seriji emisija televizijskoga kanala NBC, 32-godisnji Rancic je dosao na korak do potpisivanja godisnjeg ugovora od 250 tisuca dolara na mjestu managera jedne od tvrtki bogatasa Donalda Trumpa, inace pokrovitelja showa.
Vec smo u nasem televizijskom prilogu Reflektor pisali kako je mladic iz Chicaga, jedna od najvecih zvijezda emisija The Apprentice, a sada je prosao jos jednu prepreku te uz gledanost od cak dvadeset tri milijuna ljudi usao u samu zavrsnicu gdje ce mu jedina prepreka biti Njujorcanin Kwame Jackson.

Bill Rancic je publiku odusevio iznimnim snalazenjem u poslovnim zadacima, pa je vlasnik online trgovine cigarama, cini se s lakocom nadmasio ukupno 215.000 prijavljenih kandidata. Bio je meC‘u prvima kad je u dva dana trebalo isproducirati rock koncert ili kad je na brzinu na newyorskoj ulici trebalo oformiti stand za prodaju limunade te prodati sto vise. Jednako je bilo i sa zadatkom kad su natjecatelji morali obnoviti ruinirani stan te ga iznajmiti po sto visoj cijeni...

U razgovoru za Slobodnu Dalmaciju, ranije ovoga tjedna, Bill Rancic je ispricao kako se njegov djed Nikola Rancic iz Splita doselio u Sjedinjene Drzave, te da i on sam planira posjetiti zemlju svojih predaka.
Sljedeceg cetvrtka Bill Rancic ce se u dvosatnom showu na NBC-ju boriti za pobjedu koja donosi utjecajno managersko mjesto u korporaciji Donalda Trumpa, a prema ugovoru s producentima nije nam mogao reci sto ce biti zadaci za njega i jedinog preostalog konkurenta Kwamea Jacksona.