Sources for Yahoo! News vary by subject. Reuters, the Associated Press, and AFP provide news in almost all categories on our site. They represent the majority of our daily story volume, but we also have many other providers, listed below by category. Yahoo! News does not write or edit any of the news on our site. If you have comments about the tone, angle, accuracy, or coverage of a story, please address them to the news provider directly. Please identify the provider of a story before you send feedback. To do this, look at the upper right-hand side of the news page where you read the story. You'll see a graphic identifying the provider. Below are contact email addresses for all of our news providers. - Reuters email
- Associated Press email
- Top Stories, Business, Entertainment, Sports, and Op/Ed have news provided by USA Today.
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- The Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles Times both provide Top Stories headlines.
- The Canadian Press provides news in World, Sports, Entertainment, Business, Technology, Science, Health, and Oddly Enough.
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Our provider for this material is uclick. You can send feedback to them at the following email for the material below. - Sports:
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