Yes. Two thumbs up. I saw the movie a few weeks ago here in Washington, DC. It's about a Bosnian Serb and a Bosnian Muslim who both get trapped a a trench between the front lines, and cannot quite figure out how to get out alive. The director/screenwriter is Bosnian Muslim, and the movie was filmed in Slovenia. Other than the fact that the movie tries to play both sides fair, in the end the viewer can come to his own conclusions - I concluded that the Serbs were mostly to blame, and the international community and media only made it worse. The movie, like the war, was a genocidal farce. Go to see it, immediately. Tony Margan. Dear All, Here's the URL for the Yahoo site about that film: Rotten Tomatoes give it a rating of 97% fresh: Judy - St. Louis I have not seen it. It has received excellent reviews; it's playing at 2 theatres in NYC. Received an award at Cannes. A number of the actors are Croatians; the director is Bosnian. John Kraljic Notice: This e-mail and the attachments are confidential information.If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail and the attachments is strictly prohibited and violators will be held to the fullest possible extent of any applicable laws governing electronic Privacy. If you have received this e-mail in error please immediately notify the sender by telephone or e-mail, and permanently delete this e-mail and any attachments. distributed by CROWN (Croatian World Net) -