Este Boletín es publicado por larevista Studia Croatica Instituto de Cultura Croata, editada enBuenos Aires desde 1960 This Newsletter is produced by Studia Croatica Institute for Croatian Culture, a journal published in Buenos Airessince 1960.
La Agenda de Argentina seencuentra en
The (mainly Argentine) Agendacan be found at
El miércoles18 de junio, a las 19 hs. los críticos Victoria Vrljicak y Jorge López Anayamantendrán un diálogo sobre "Marta Traba. Una intelectual de dos mundos"en la Biblioteca Nacional - sala "Augusto Cortazar" Agüero 2502 -Buenos Aires - Argentina
Marta Traba es un paradigma delargentino que triunfa en el exterior; su vida tuvo ribetes novelescos yactitudes pioneras. Según su biografía compitió con los hombres y fuegenerosa con las mujeres . La crítica, poeta y novelista argentina muriójunto con su marido Angel Rama en un accidente de aviación en 1983. Habíanacido en el 23.
Provocadora y rebelde, logró quela sociedad despertara acerca de algunas cuestiones. Además de sus casi treintalibros, fundó una revista y un museo. La escritora mexicana Elena Poniatowskidijo de ella... era una mujer necesaria, esencial. Hacía falta, hace falta .Hoy Marta Traba es objeto de estudio y debates en las universidadesnorteamericanas.
El Jueves 26 de junio, la artistaBISERKA-PERLA MAVREK inaugura una nueva MUESTRA PLASTICA, junto con otros 7artistas en la GALERIA FORMA, calle Aráoz 2540, Buenos Aires, a las 19 hs. Lapresentación de los artístas y los comentarios estarán a cargo de SARAHGUERRA.
Las 6 pinturas a exponer porBISERKA-PERLA MAVREK muestran un enfoque nuevo, sus nuevas técnicas a espátulay pincel, sobre tela de 70 x 50 cm y llevan los siguientes títulos:
Clausura de la muestra: 8 de Julio.Puede ser visitada de lunes a viernes de 16 a 20 hs y sábados de 12 a l4 hs.
El pasado 12 de junio a medianochefalleció en Buenos Aires el señor Vjekoslav Paver quien era conocido tambiéncomo Milan Rakovac. Había nacido en Irenovac, Eslavonia, Croacia el 25 de juniode 1914. El señor Paver fue co-fundador y directivo del Instituto CroataLatinoamericano de Cultura y miembro de la redacción de Studia Croatica.Que en paz descanse.
Atmidnight, June 12th, passed away Mr. Vjekoslav Paver (Milan Rakovac).He was born in Irenovac, Slavonia, Croatia on June 25th, 1914. Mr.Paver was co-founder and directive of the Croatian Latin American Institutefor Culture and member of the editorial board of Studia Croatica. Mayhe rest in peace.
STUDIA CROATICA - Nuevo material en la Web New Material
Presentamos enedicion bilingüe croata-castellano el primer capítulo del libro de Ru~a Maras.El libro tiene 150 páginas y lo editó su hijo, Mate Maras. La forma idiomáticausada por la autora es la de su pueblo natal y de su región (Krivodol, Imotski).Es ikavica con muchas palabras que no se encuentran en cualquierdiccionario. Tradujo Joza Vrljičak.
We presentin bilingual Croatian-Spanish edition the first chapter the book written by Ru~aMaras (The Notes of Ru~a Maras). The book has 150 pages and was editedby her son Mate Maras. The language used by the author is the one of her townand region (Krivodol, Imotski). It is ikavica with many words not foundin most dictionaries. Translation by Joza Vrljičak.
Presentamos un material para elestudio del idioma croata. Se trata de tablas conteniendo las palabras yconjuntos de dos y tres palabras consecutivas más frecuentes encontrados endiarios croatas recientes. Son pues, tres tablas conteniendo 300 renglones cadauna con la frecuencia con que aparecen, la expresión en croata y su traducciónal español que en lo sucesivo iremos ampliando. Se amplía ahora con tablas defrases centradas (Key Words in Context) para las letras "a" y"b" (1400 ejemplos en total). Parte de este material puede ayudar paraaprender castellano.
Wepresent material for the study of the Croatian language. They are tablescontaining words, groups of two- and three words most frequently found in recentCroatian newspapers. There are three tables with 300 rows each with the Croatianexpresions and their Spanish equivalents (we will provide English synonyms inthe future). We introduce now examples in Croatian, presented as Key Words inContext for the letters "a" and "b" (1400 examples intotal). Some of this material may be useful to learn Spanish.
Tablade 300 palabras - 300 most frequent words
Tablade 300 grupos dos palabras 300 most frequent two-word groups
Tablade 300 grupos de tres palabras - 300 most frequent three-word groups
Key Words in context
Keywords in context: a
Keywords in context: abolira - Albanije
Keywords in context: ali
Keywords in context: Alkar - azilu
Keywords in context: bacaju - bez
Keywords in context: bi
Keywords in context: bicikle - bio
Keywords in context: Biograd - biznisa
Keywords in context: Bjelorusiju - burzi
Nenad Bach produce el excelentesite material en inglés y croata
| Title: | Date: | Category: | | (H) Rijecki Most hrvatskih branitelja u New Yorku | Jun 16,2003 | Culture And Arts | | (H) POZIVNICA, 3LHD u New Yorku | Jun 16,2003 | Culture And Arts | | (E) On 50th Venice Biennale 2003 - Two Croatian Artists | Jun 16,2003 | Culture And Arts | | (E) NYC Exhibition Includes Bridge in Rijeka | Jun 16,2003 | Culture And Arts | | (E) Superman Comics drawn by a Croatian | Jun 16,2003 | Culture And Arts | | (E,H) Croatian Independence Day Celebration in New York | Jun 16,2003 | Events | | (E) Summer job in BiH | Jun 16,2003 | Jobs | | (E) NFCA's Successful 10th Annual Convention | Jun 16,2003 | Events | | (E) Looking for Croatian Models | Jun 16,2003 | Jobs | | (E) Croatian Professional Services in Washington DC, USA Area | Jun 16,2003 | Data | | (E) Croatia to establish a Trade Center in Dubai | Jun 14,2003 | Business | | (E) Croatia demands compensation for embassy attack | Jun 16,2003 | Politics | | (E) Belgrade youths set fire to a Croatian flag June 2003 | Jun 16,2003 | Politics | | (E) Pope in Croatia 2003 | Jun 12,2003 | Religion | | (E) Pope ends 100th foreign trip with prayer in coastal Croatia | Jun 12,2003 | Religion | | (E) Pope Speaks of Own Death as Croatia Trip Nears End | Jun 12,2003 | Religion | | (E) Croatian House project has launched its web site | Jun 12,2003 | Culture And Arts | | (H,E) Koncert - Klapa Astoria - June 22, 2003 | Jun 12,2003 | Culture And Arts | | (E) TONY BUTALA HOSTS NFCA WINE TASTING | Jun 12,2003 | Events | | (E) Seeking a DP in Croatia for a Documentary Project | Jun 12,2003 | Jobs | | (E) Cuddling Croatia | Jun 12,2003 | Tourism | | (E) Psihomodo Pop - Live | Jun 12,2003 | Culture And Arts | | (E) Learn Croatian | Jun 12,2003 | Education | | (E) Soccer-Kovac gives Croatia 1-0 win over Estonia | Jun 12,2003 | Sports | | (H) Papa visit Hrvatska Radiotelevizija | Jun 8,2003 | Religion | | (E) Seven Croatian Seamen Safe | Jun 8,2003 | News | | (E) Looking for Croatians in the States | Jun 8,2003 | Classifieds | | (E) Book Promotion of Stillness and Other Stories in NY | Jun 8,2003 | Culture And Arts | | (E) Pope's Croatia trip Televized | Jun 4,2003 | Religion |
================================================================= STUDIA CROATICA - Nuevo material en la Web New MaterialZAPISI RU}E MARASOVE LAS NOTAS DE RU}A(ROSA) MARAS Maticahrvatska Imotski1994. Presentamos enedicion bilingüe croata-castellano el primer capítulo del libro de Ru~a Maras.El libro tiene 150 páginas y lo editó su hijo, Mate Maras. La forma idiomáticausada por la autora es la de su pueblo natal y de su región (Krivodol, Imotski).Es ikavica con muchas palabras que no se encuentran en cualquierdiccionario. Tradujo Joza Vrljičak. We presentin bilingual Croatian-Spanish edition the first chapter the book written by Ru~aMaras (The Notes of Ru~a Maras). The book has 150 pages and was editedby her son Mate Maras. The language used by the author is the one of her townand region (Krivodol, Imotski). It is ikavica with many words not foundin most dictionaries. Translation by Joza Vrljičak. ================================================================= MATERIAL PARA EL ESTUDIO DEL IDIOMA CROATAPresentamos un material para elestudio del idioma croata. Se trata de tablas conteniendo las palabras yconjuntos de dos y tres palabras consecutivas más frecuentes encontrados endiarios croatas recientes. Son pues, tres tablas conteniendo 300 renglones cadauna con la frecuencia con que aparecen, la expresión en croata y su traducciónal español que en lo sucesivo iremos ampliando. Se amplía ahora con tablas defrases centradas (Key Words in Context) para las letras "a" y"b" (1400 ejemplos en total). Parte de este material puede ayudar paraaprender castellano. MATERIAL FOR THE STUDY OF THE CROATIAN LANGUAGEWepresent material for the study of the Croatian language. They are tablescontaining words, groups of two- and three words most frequently found in recentCroatian newspapers. There are three tables with 300 rows each with the Croatianexpresions and their Spanish equivalents (we will provide English synonyms inthe future). We introduce now examples in Croatian, presented as Key Words inContext for the letters "a" and "b" (1400 examples intotal). Some of this material may be useful to learn Spanish. Tablade 300 palabras - 300 most frequent words Tablade 300 grupos dos palabras 300 most frequent two-word groups Tablade 300 grupos de tres palabras - 300 most frequent three-word groups Key Words in contextKeywords in context: a Keywords in context: abolira - Albanije Keywords in context: ali Keywords in context: Alkar - azilu Keywords in context: bacaju - bez Keywords in context: bi Keywords in context: bicikle - bio Keywords in context: Biograd - biznisa Keywords in context: Bjelorusiju - burzi
LINKSNenad Bach produce el excelentesite material en inglés y croata | Title: | Date: | Category: | | (H) Rijecki Most hrvatskih branitelja u New Yorku | Jun 16,2003 | Culture And Arts | | (H) POZIVNICA, 3LHD u New Yorku | Jun 16,2003 | Culture And Arts | | (E) On 50th Venice Biennale 2003 - Two Croatian Artists | Jun 16,2003 | Culture And Arts | | (E) NYC Exhibition Includes Bridge in Rijeka | Jun 16,2003 | Culture And Arts | | (E) Superman Comics drawn by a Croatian | Jun 16,2003 | Culture And Arts | | (E,H) Croatian Independence Day Celebration in New York | Jun 16,2003 | Events | | (E) Summer job in BiH | Jun 16,2003 | Jobs | | (E) NFCA's Successful 10th Annual Convention | Jun 16,2003 | Events | | (E) Looking for Croatian Models | Jun 16,2003 | Jobs | | (E) Croatian Professional Services in Washington DC, USA Area | Jun 16,2003 | Data | | (E) Croatia to establish a Trade Center in Dubai | Jun 14,2003 | Business | | (E) Croatia demands compensation for embassy attack | Jun 16,2003 | Politics | | (E) Belgrade youths set fire to a Croatian flag June 2003 | Jun 16,2003 | Politics | | (E) Pope in Croatia 2003 | Jun 12,2003 | Religion | | (E) Pope ends 100th foreign trip with prayer in coastal Croatia | Jun 12,2003 | Religion | | (E) Pope Speaks of Own Death as Croatia Trip Nears End | Jun 12,2003 | Religion | | (E) Croatian House project has launched its web site | Jun 12,2003 | Culture And Arts | | (H,E) Koncert - Klapa Astoria - June 22, 2003 | Jun 12,2003 | Culture And Arts | | (E) TONY BUTALA HOSTS NFCA WINE TASTING | Jun 12,2003 | Events | | (E) Seeking a DP in Croatia for a Documentary Project | Jun 12,2003 | Jobs | | (E) Cuddling Croatia | Jun 12,2003 | Tourism | | (E) Psihomodo Pop - Live | Jun 12,2003 | Culture And Arts | | (E) Learn Croatian | Jun 12,2003 | Education | | (E) Soccer-Kovac gives Croatia 1-0 win over Estonia | Jun 12,2003 | Sports | | (H) Papa visit Hrvatska Radiotelevizija | Jun 8,2003 | Religion | | (E) Seven Croatian Seamen Safe | Jun 8,2003 | News | | (E) Looking for Croatians in the States | Jun 8,2003 | Classifieds | | (E) Book Promotion of Stillness and Other Stories in NY | Jun 8,2003 | Culture And Arts | | (E) Pope's Croatia trip Televized | Jun 4,2003 | Religion |
| | | |