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Croatian students placed second at the 2018 Middle European Mathematical Olympiad (MEMO) in Poland
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić
Published on 09/2/2018
The 2018 MEMO competition (Middle European Mathematical Olympiad) has been organized in Poland, and 66 students have participated from 11 countries: Austria, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Hungary, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine. Noel Lakić of Croatia has won gold medal with 100% success. As a team, Croatia has achieved big succes: the second place, before Hungary and after Ukraine, which has been invited as a guest of the competition.

Noel Lakić has won gold medal with 100% success

Croatian team at MEMO (Middle European Mathematical Olympiad) 2018, organized in Poland.

Summary. The 2018 MEMO competition (Middle European Mathematical Olympiad) has been organized in Poland, and 66 students have participated from 11 countries: Austria, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Hungary, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine. Noel Lakić of Croatia has won gold medal with 100% success, Krunoslav Ivanović has won silver medal, and while other four Croatian representatives have won bronze medals.

As a team, Croatia has achieved big success: the second place, in front of Hungary, and after Ukraine, which has been invited as a guest of the competition. Congratulations!

Na upravo završenoj 12. Srednjoeuropskoj matematičkoj olimpijadi u Bielsko-Biali, u Poljskoj (27. kolovoza - 2. rujna 2018.), sudjelovalo je 66 učenika iz 11 srednjoeuropskih država: Austrije, Češke, Litve, Mađarske, Njemačke, Poljske, Slovačke, Slovenije, Švicarske, Ukrajine i Hrvatske.

Republiku Hrvatsku predstavljali su sljedeći učenici:
  • Luka Bulić Bračulj, III. gimnazija, Split
  • Krunoslav Ivanović, XV. gimnazija, Zagreb
  • Noel Lakić, Gimnazija Frane Petrića, Zadar
  • Krešimir Nežmah, XV. gimnazija, Zagreb
  • Andrija Tomorad, XV. gimnazija, Zagreb
  • Ivan Vojvodić, XV. gimnazija, Zagreb.

Voditelji ekipe bili su Ivan Krijan i Ivan Kokan.

Učenici su se, kao i obično, natjecali pojedinačno i ekipno rješavajući zadatke olimpijskog tipa iz algebre, kombinatorike, geometrije i teorije brojeva.

Petu godinu zaredom jedan od hrvatskih natjecatelja osvojio je zlatnu medalju na pojedinačnom natjecanju. Ove godine taj izniman uspjeh postigao je Noel Lakić, uz stopostotnu riješenost ispita. I ostali članovi ekipe ostvarili su odličan rezultat i osvojili medalje: Krunoslav Ivanović srebrnu, a Andrija Tomorad, Luka Bulić Bračulj, Ivan Vojvodić i Krešimir Nežmah brončane.

Noel Lakić, učenik Gimnazije Frane Petrića u Zadru,
sa zlatnom medaljom i 100%-tnim rezultatom.

Na još uzbudljivijem i neizvjesnijem ekipnom natjecanju, Hrvatska je ostvarila izvrstan uspjeh osvojivši drugo mjesto -€“ ispred Mađarske, a iza Ukrajine (koja je na ovom natjecanju sudjelovala kao gost na poziv poljskih domaćina).

Put na olimpijadu i pripreme natjecatelja organiziralo je i provelo Hrvatsko matematičko društvo (HMD) uz pomoć udruge Mladi nadareni matematičari "Marin Getaldić" (MNM), a financiralo Ministarstvo znanosti i obrazovanja (MZOS).

Više podataka o natjecanju, zadatcima i rezultatima može se naći na službenoj web-stranici MEMO-a 2018:

Voditelji ekipe
Ivan Krijan i Ivan Kokan
Matematički odsjek PMF-a, Sveučilište u Zagrebu

What is MEMO?

The Middle European Mathematical Olympiad (MEMO) is an annual mathematical competition that was first held in 2007. It is the successor of Austrian-Polish Mathematical Competition (ÖPMW / APZM), which was held 29 times from 1978 to 2006 as a competition between one Austrian and one Polish team. Now ten countries participate in the MEMO: Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Switzerland.

Similar to the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), each country participates with up to six students and two team leaders. As one of the main goals of the new competition was to provide the possibility for a larger number of students to gain experience in international competitions, the teams participating in the MEMO are typically disjoint from the IMO teams of their countries. Also, MEMO is meant to prepare younger students for a future participation in the International Mathematical Olympiad, therefore students in their senior year are not eligible to be in the MEMO team.

The MEMO consist of an individual competition and a team competition, each lasting five hours. The problems are of the “olympic” type, typically divided into four areas: algebra, combinatorics, geometry and number theory. In the individual competition, the students solve one problem from each area. The team competition consists of eight problems, two from each area (although at the first two MEMOs also the team competition had only four problems). In the team competition, the students of each team solve the problems together, which gives the competition a very special atmosphere. The team part of the competition existed also at the ÖPMW / APZM, but it is otherwise a rarity in mathematical competitions.

The whole program lasts for one week. Problem selection, translation, the competition itself, and the scoring are all performed during this time. Besides the individual and team competition, the program also contains excursions and sports activities.
