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Miro Gavran to have premieres in Cuba, the Netherlands, Romania, Macedonia and Kosovo, May & June 2018
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić
Published on 05/29/2018

Miro Gavran: "It is a great pleasure to have five foreign premieres in such different cultures in short period of time. I am very happy to have my first premiere in Cuba which I can thank Zeljka Lovrencic. I am also happy to have another Dutch premiere after 30 years which wouldn't be possible without the help from Sanja Kregar who published several books of my prose in Amsterdam in last few years. Premieres in Romania, Macedonia and Kosovo and extension of successful cooperation so far. ..." With these performances Miro Gavran confirmed that he is the most performed Croatian writer in Croatia and abroad. His work has been translated into 40 languages.

The greatest contemporary Croatian writer, translated into 40 languages worldwide

Miro Gavran's plays have been translated into 40 languages worldwide

Miro Gavran: All About Women, in Romanian language

Miro Gavran će imati premijere na Kubi, u Nizozemskoj, Rumunjskoj, Makedoniji i Kosovu

Predstave suvremenog hrvatskog književnika i dramatičara Mire Gavrana inozemna publika već dugi niz godina prati i s oduševljenjem gleda, a idućih dana brojka bi se mogla uvelike povećati. Naime, u nepunih mjesec dana Gavran će imati čak pet inozemnih premijera u pet različitih zemalja, a po prvi puta će biti premijerno izveden na Kubi u Havani.

"Iznimno mi je zadovoljstvo što ću imati pet inozemnih premijera u tako različitim kulturnim sredinama, u tako kratkom vremenskom razdoblju. Posebno me veseli spoznaja da se moja prva premijera događa na Kubi, te da nakon dugih trideset godina u Nizozemskoj ponovno izvode neku moju dramu, dok sam u Rumunjskoj, Makedoniji i na Kosovu do sada bio višestruko izvođen u njihovim kazalištima, pa su ove nove premijere nastavak dosadašnje uspješne suradnje"€œ ističe Miro Gavran.

Prva premijerna izvedba očekuje ga 31.svibnja 2018.godine u Havani na Kubi, gdje će se održati premijera njegove drame Lutka u Kazalištu Buscon. Za prijevod je zaslužna Željka Lovrenčić, a režiju potpisuje Simon Carlos Martin. Dva dana kasnije, 2. lipnja 2018.godine u makedonskom Nacionalnom kazalištu Anton Panov iz Strumice premijerno će se izvesti Gavranova komedija Zabranjeno smijanje. Prijevod je načinio Gorjan Miloshevski,a režiju potpisuje Igor Ivković.

Potom će se 8. lipnja u nizozemskom gradu Breda, u izvedbi Stichting Buda Staging Performance održati premijera Gavranove drame Lutka. Prijevod je načinila Sanja Kregar koja je i proteklih godina u Amsterdamu objavila nekoliko Gavranovih proznih tekstova, a režiju potpisuje Hanna Buda. U rumunjskom Bukureštu će se 10. lipnja u Teatrul Arte dell'Anima premijerno izvesti Gavranova drama Sve o ženama. Prijevod na rumunjski je načinila Michaela Balint, a redatelj je Felix Crainciu.

I na kocu ovoga niza 28. lipnja u Prištini na Kosovu, Nacionalno kazalište Kosova izvest će premijeru Gavranove drame Kako ubiti predsjednika. Prevoditelj na albanski je Ali Avdiu, a redateljica je Marigiona Bekteshi.
Nakon više od tristo premijera diljem svijeta koje je vidjelo preko tri milijuna gledatelja postavlja se pitanje hoće li i autor vidjeti neku od ovih novih izvedbi.

"Nadam se da će selektor GavranFesta iz Praga gospodin František Karoch neke od ovih izvedbi uvrstiti u program toga festivala na jesen iduće godine, tako da se i meni pruži prigoda da ih vidim" ističe Miro Gavran.
Ovim izvedbama Miro Gavran se ponovno potvrdio kao najizvođeniji hrvatski kazališni pisac u zemlji i inozemstvu.

Miro Gavran will have premieres in Cuba, the Netherlands, Romania, Macedonia and Kosovo in May and June 2018

Series of five premieres starts on May 31st in Havana, Cuba with premiere of his play "The Doll" performed by Theatre Buscon. Translation into Spanish was done by Zeljka Lovrencic, director is Simon Carlos Martin who is also one of the actors, together with Mercedes Maria Noya.

Two days later, on June 2nd National Theatre "Anton Panov" from Strumica will perform Gavran's comedy "Laughing Prohibited". Translation into Macedonian was done by Gorjan Miloshevski, director is Igor Ivkovic while main roles are performed by Olivera Arizanova, Boris Kolio Cherkezov and Nina-Julija Milkova. One more premiere of play "The Doll", performed by "Stichting Buda Staging Performance" will be held in Bred, Netherlands on June 8th. Translation into Dutch was done by Sanja Kregar, director is Hanna Buda while main roles are performed by Rimanta Tavo and Bart Matthijsen.

Two days later, on June 10th, "Teatrul Arte dell'Anima" will perform Gavran's play "All About Women" in Bucharest, Romania. Translation into Romanian was done by Michaela Balint, director is Felix Crainciu while main roles are performed by Corina Danila, Adriana Titieni and Crina Linta. Last premiere of this series, comedy "How to Kill a President" will be performed by National Theatre of Kosovo in Pristina, Kosovo, on June 28th. Translation into Albanian was done by Ali Avdiu, director is Marigiona Bekteshi while main roles are performed by Mirsad Ferati, Fatmir Haliti, Rabie Kryeziu and Njomza Tmava.

While commenting on this series Miro Gavran mentioned: "It is a great pleasure to have five foreign premieres in such different cultures in short period of time. I am very happy to have my first premiere in Cuba which I can thank Zeljka Lovrencic. I am also happy to have another Dutch premiere after 30 years which wouldn't be possible without the help from Sanja Kregar who published several books of my prose in Amsterdam in last few years. Premieres in Romania, Macedonia and Kosovo and extension of successful cooperation so far. I hope that selector of GavranFest, Mr. Frantisek Karoch will select some of these plays in festival's program for next year so that I also get a chance to see them myself.

With these performances Miro Gavran confirmed that he is the most performed Croatian writer in Croatia and abroad. His work has been translated into 40 languages and his plays and comedies had more than 300 premieres and were seen by more than three million viewers in Europe, Asia, Australia and South and North America.

Nenad Bach and Miro Gavran in Zagreb in 2008. Many thanks to Mr Gavran for the photo.

Razni prijevodi Gavranovih djela s hrvatskoga jezika
  1. albanski
  2. arabski
  3. bugarski
  4. katalonski
  5. kineski
  6. češki
  7. danski
  8. nizozemski
  9. engleski
  10. esperanto
  11. estonski
  12. flamanski
  13. francuski
  14. talijanski
  15. njemački
  16. grčki
  17. hebrejski
  18. hindi
  19. mađarski
  20. japanski
  21. karnatački (Indija)
  22. latvijski
  23. litvanski
  24. lužičkosrbski
  25. makednoski
  26. maratski (Indija)
  27. norveški
  28. perzijski
  29. poljski
  30. portugalski
  31. rumunjski
  32. ruski
  33. slovački
  34. slovenski
  35. španjolski
  36. švedski
  37. teluguški (Indija)
  38. turski
  39. ukrajinski
  40. valonski (Belgija)

Various translations of Gavran's works from Croatian language
  1. Albanian
  2. Arabic
  3. Bulgarian
  4. Catalan
  5. Chinese
  6. Czech
  7. Danish
  8. Dutch
  9. English
  10. Esperanto
  11. Estonian
  12. Flamish
  13. French
  14. Italian
  15. German
  16. Greek
  17. Hebrew
  18. Hindi
  19. Hungarian
  20. Japanese
  21. Kannada (India)
  22. Latvian
  23. Lithuanian
  24. Lužičko-Sorbian
  25. Macedonian
  26. Marathi (India)
  27. Norwegian
  28. Persian
  29. Polish
  30. Portugese
  31. Romanian
  32. Russian
  33. Slovakian
  34. Slovenian
  35. Spanish
  36. Swedish
  37. Telugu (India)
  38. Turkish
  39. Ukrainean
  40. Walloon (Belgium)

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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