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Miro Gavran's novel John the Baptist translated from Croatian into Bulgarian
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  08/2/2017 | Culture And Arts | Unrated
Published in Croatian, Spanish, English and Bulgarian

Miro Gavran, distinguished Croatian writer of worldwide fame.
Photo by D. Višnjić / pixell.

U izdanju izdavačke kuće PARADOX iz Sofije, objavljen je roman Mire Gavrana "Krstitelj"€. Prijevod na bugarski jezik je načinila Valentina Sedefcheva. Do sada je ovaj Gavranov roman imao sedam izdanja na hrvatskom jeziku, a objavljen je na španjolskom u Buenos Airesu, na njemačkom u Beču, te na engleskom na Amazonu.

Radnja "Krstitelja"€ se zbiva u prvom stoljeću Nove ere u vrijeme burnih političkih i vjerskih previranja. Junaci romana su Ivan Krstitelj, Saloma, Elizej i Bileam, ali i sam Isus Krist.

PARADOX publisher from Sofia published Miro Gavran's book "John the Baptist". Translation into Bulgarian was done by Valentina Sedefcheva. So far this novel had seven editions in Croatian. It was also published in Spanish in Buenos Aires, in German in Vienna and in English on Amazon. It is a story set in 1st century AD, in time of violent political and religious shift.

Heroes of the novel are John the Baptist, Saloma, Elisha and Bileam, and Jesus Christ himself.

Nenad Bach and Miro Gavran in Zagreb in 2008. Many thanks to Mr Gavran for the photo.

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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