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Ruggiero Boscovich - Rudjer Boskovic (1711-1787) has a memorial plaque in Milano
By Ivana Marija Vidović
Published on 06/28/2017
In June 2017, on Piazzale Borromeo in the heart of Milan, a commemoration ceremony and performance took place for Ruđer Bošković, native of Dubrovnik and the most distinguished scientist in Croatia'€™s history, outside the Church of Santa Maria Podone, where he was buried on 13 February 1787. A memorial constructed of Dubrovnik Mironja stone was unveiled with the support of renowned lawyer, Cristian Pambianchi, an esteemed friend to Dubrovnik, and realized by the Croatia'€™s Consulate General in Milan. On the photo Ivana Marija Vidović, distinguished Croatian pianist, by the memorial plaque dedicated to Ruggiero Boscovich - Ruđer Bošković.

Ruđer Bošković founded Milan’s famous Brera Observatory

Ivana Marija Vidović, distinguished Croatian pianist, by the memorial plaque dedicated to Ruđer Bošković - Ruggiero Boscovich
Rudjer Boskovic
Portrait of Boskovic by the English painter Edge Pine (London, 1760).

The memorial plaque has been placed by the General Consulate of the Republic of Croatia,
Croatians from Milano and Italian friends, on June 25th, 2017.


Oda zemlji dua Vox Ragusei

Proteklog je tjedna u srcu Milana, 20. lipnja 2017., na Piazzale Borromeo na samom pročelju crkve Santa Maria Podone u kojoj je pokopan 13.veljače 1787. Ruđer Bošković dobio spomen ploču. Ploča je izrađena od kamena Mironja iz Dubrovačkog primorja. Zahvaljujući incijativi, zalaganju i trudu Generalnog konzulata Republike Hrvatske u Milanu i prijatelja Dubrovnika i Hrvatske, uglednog odvjetnika iz Milana, Cristiana Pambianchija Bošković je konačno dobio komemorativnu ploču koju zaslužuje.

Prethodnik atomske teorije i osnivač poznate zvjezdarnice u Breri važi za jednog od najznačajnijih naučnika svog vremena i za jednog od najznamenitijih Dubrovčana. Bavio se fizikom, filozofijom, astronomijom, matematikom, pedagogijom, geologijom, arhitekturom, arheologijom, optikom, diplomacijom, poezijom i prevođenjem. U ceremoniji otkrivanja ploče, uz zamjenicu gradonačelnika Jelku Tepšić sudjelovali su generalna konzulica RH u Milanu Iva Pavić, savjetnica predsjednice Republike Hrvatske Kolinde Grabar Kitarović Renata Margaretić Urlić, župan Nikola Dobroslavić, direktorica Turističke zajednice Grada Dubrovnika Romana Vlašić, te zamjenica gradonačelnika grada Zagreba Jelena Pavičić Vukičević, a događaj su glazbom uzvisile ugledne dubrovačke umjetnice koje čine duo Vox Ragusei, prvakinja HNK Zagreb Diana Hilje mezzosopranistica i pijanistica Ivana Marija Vidović.

Vox Ragusei je u mjesecu lipnju obgrlio Italiju s dvije turneje prvo onom na jugu nastupivši na trima uglednim festivalima, a potom s ovom značajnom misijom u Milanu. Duo je nastao iz želje da se glazba i prijateljstvo prožimaju, te da se svijetom pronosi u prvom redu dubrovačka kao i hrvatska glazbena baština. Tako su, uz svečano zvonjenje milanskih zvona, točno u podne 20. lipnja dale prigodni glazbeni biljeg velikoj svečanosti otkrivanja spomen ploče te izvele obje himne talijansku pa hrvatsku. Uslijedio je i recital dua Vox Ragusei kojeg je Ministarstvo kulture RH podržalo u ovom gostovanju. Program kojeg su pomno odabrale za ovaj posebni, povijesni trenutak započet je s Dubrovčaninom, još jednim poklisarom, Antunom Sorkočevićem i njegovom molitvom La Preghiera Ruđeru Boškoviću u čast.

U sredini programa dama glazbe u Hrvata, Dora Pejačević i njena Ave Marija koja je dala cijeloj svečanosti dimenziju blage produhovljenosti i mira. Nije ometala ni žega upornog sunca, ni brojne sirene, ni buka na trgu u podnevnoj ljetnoj vrevi Milana da poruka stigne u sva srca koja su joj osluhnula. Za kraj, a što drugo doli Oda zemlji iz opere Jakova Gotovca, "Mila Gojsalić".

Program s naslovom Oda zemlji (Ode alla patria) zabljesnula je žarko baš kao i pojava heroine Mile Gojsalić i bogata ostavština velikog Ruđera Boškovića koji nikad neće bit samo figura naše povijesti već zasigurno jedan od onih koji ju je isklesao.

Tekst: FKV

Fotografije: Generalni konzulat RH u Milanu, Mia Njavro


Ode to the country of Vox Ragusei

Last week, on
June 20th 2017, on Piazzale Borromeo in the heart of Milan, a commemoration ceremony and performance took place for Ruđer Bošković, native of Dubrovnik and the most distinguished scientist in Croatia's history, outside the Church of Santa Maria Podone, where he was buried on 13 February 1787. A memorial constructed of Dubrovnik Mironja stone was unveiled with the support of renowned lawyer, Cristian Pambianchi, an esteemed friend to Dubrovnik, and realized by the Croatia's Consulate General in Milan.

The immense work of Ruđer Bošković made a major contribution to the ultimate development of atomic theory, and he founded Milan'€™s famous Brera Observatory. Bošković studied physics, philosophy, astronomy, mathematics, pedagogy, geology, architecture, archaeology, optics, diplomacy, poetry and translation. The Bošković Memorial unveiling ceremony was attended by Iva Pavić, Consul General of Croatia, Milan, Renata Margaretić Urlić, Adviser to the President Grabar Kitarović, Jelka Tepšić, Deputy Mayor of Dubrovnik, Jelena Pavičić Vukičević, Deputy Mayor of Zagreb, Nikola Dobroslavić, Dubrovnik-Neretva County Prefect, Romana Vlašić, Director, Dubrovnik Tourist Board and many others. Duo Vox Ragusei, the Dubrovnik artists mezzo-soprano Diana Hilje and pianist Ivana Marija Vidović celebrated the unveiling of the new Bošković Memorial, gracing this historic ceremony with both Italian and Croatian music.

In June, Vox Ragusei toured to Italy twice, performing at three prestigious festivals in the South, then providing the music for this important event in Milan. Vox Ragusei is dedicated conveying music and friendship, to sharing Croatia'€™s rich musical heritage, and especially Dubrovnik'€™s, with the world. When the Milan of bells rang out at noon on 20th June, Vox Ragusei celebrated the unveiling of the new Bošković Memorial in music, performing both Italian and Croatian hymns. The Croatian Ministry of Culture also supported a recital by Vox Ragusei in Milan, selected especially for this historic moment. It began with La Preghiera by the great Dubrovnik composer Antun Sorkočević.

In the middle came Dora Pejačević's Ave Maria: this gave the ceremony a moment of gentle intensity and tranquillity. Neither persistent sunshine, nor numerous sirens, nor noise in the square in the Milan summer throng, could obscure the message entering the hearts of those listening. To finish, Vox Ragusei performed the aria 'Ode alla patria'€Ž from Jakov Gotovac's opera "Mila Gojsalić".

The entire programme, with its dignity and sense of history, encapsulated the character of the heroine Mila Gojsalić, and the rich heritage of the great Ruđer Bošković, an historic figure touched by eternity, and embodying it for all time.

Text in English: PhD in Music Oxford University, Dr. James Ross

Photos: Mia Njavro, private album and Croatia'€™s Consulate General in Milan archive

Church of St. Maria of Podone

Ivana Marija Vidović, piano, and Diana Hilje, mezzosoprano

Ivana Marija Vidović

Joint photo under the monument of Rudjer Bošković, carved by Ivan Meštrović, distinguished Croatian sculptor.
Behind the monument is cupola of the famous Brera Observatory in Milano, founded by Ruggiero Boscovich.

Mr. Cristian Pambianchi, an esteemed friend to Dubrovnik, unveiled the plaque

National flags of Croatia and Italy

Diana Hilje, mezzosoprano, and Ivana Marija Vidović, piano

Diana Hilje, mezzosoprano

Canyon of the Cetina river in Croatia. A breathtaking view to Omiš near the city of Split from the monument of Mila Gojsalića carved by Ivan Meštrović.

Vox Ragusei: Diana Hilje and Ivana Marija Vidović in Milano

Teofilakto Vitsos, Greek archimandrit, and Ivana Marija Vidović, Croatian pianist

Sorrento Festival Diana Hilje & Ivana Marija Vidovic - Astor Piazzolla: Ave Maria

Sorrento - Diana Hilje & Ivana Marija Vidovic - La Preghiera (A. Sorkočević)

Sorrento Diana Hilje & Ivana Marija Vidovic - Dora Pejačević: Ave Marija

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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