CROWN - Croatian World Network -
Dvigrad Festival 2016 offering a rich program of Renaissance and Early Baroque music
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić
Published on 06/15/2016
The Dvigrad Festival has been conceived by Alojzije Prosoli and his Musica Sacra / Sveta glazba society, along with numerous collaborators. This year, among distinguished soloists and players, the Festival will host Mario Penzar, Jelena Čilaš, Josue Melendez, Sarah Louise Ridy, Diego Leverić, Tin Cugelj, Martina Klarić, Augustin Mršić, Ema Stein, Ana Jembrek, Anna Waszak, Edmund Andler-Borić, Silvio Richter, Darko Solter, Responsorium ensemble, etc.

Alojzije Prosoli and his Musica Sacra successfully organized the Dvigrad Festival of Early Music 2016

Mr. Alojzije Prosoli, agile founder and director important Musica Sacra society in Croatia's capital Zagreb,
as well as of the Dvigrad Festival of Early Music in Istrian penisula.

Udruga Prosoli "Sveta glazba"
Associazzione Prosoli ˝Musica sacra˝
Argentinska 4, 10 000 Zagreb  
Tel/fax: + 385 1 46 73 842  

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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