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Ivana Marija Vidovic Croatian pianist presenting Luka Sorkocevic and Dora Pejacevic in Amsterdam
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić
Published on 06/30/2016
In June 2016, Ivana Marija Vidović from the city of Dubrovnik had a very succesful pianist concert in the Pianola Museum in Amsterdam. Her program included music pieces by Brahms, Liszt, Elgar and Ramovš, as well as Croatian Renaissance composer Luka Sorkočević and the first internationally established Croatian woman composer Dora Pejačević. Ivana is also a fine poet, and she had the honor to recite her own verses translated into English. After she played Dora's pieces dedicated to the Life of Flowers, Mrs. Marijke Brekelmans, curator of the Pianola Museum, enthusiastically recited Ivana's verses.

Ivana presented not only beautiful piano music, but also her poetry

Ivana Marija Vidović on the right with Marijke Brekelmans, curator of the Pianola Museum in Amsterdam


In June 2016, Ivana Marija Vidović from Dubrovnik had a very succesful pianist concert in the Pianola Museum in Amsterdam. Her program included music pieces by Brahms, Liszt, Elgar and Ramovš, as well as by Croatian Renaissance composer Luka Sorkočević and the first internationally established Croatian woman composer Dora Pejačević. Ivana is also a fine poet, and she had the honor to recite her own verses translated into English. After she played Dora's pieces dedicated to the Life of Flowers, Mrs. Marijke Brekelmans, curator of the Pianola Museum, enthusiastically recited Ivana's verses.

Uspjeh Ivane Marije Vidović u Amsterdamu 

Dubrovačka pijanistica Ivana Marija Vidović prošli je tjedan boravila u prekrasnom Amsterdamu, gradu kontrasta, kontradiktornosti, muzeja i bogate kulturne ponude. Grad koji nikad ne spava i nudi uistinu mnogo ugostio je našu sugrađanku veoma ljubazno. U odličnoj organizaciji Vidović je nastupila u potpuno rasprodanom salonu poznatog Pianola muzeja u srcu starog nizozemskog grada.

Za program je odabrala djela Brahmsa, Liszta, Elgara i Ramovša, ali ono što je nama najvažnije sigurno je njeno zalaganje za hrvatsku baštinu. Izvela je i nekoliko atraktivnih minijatura Dore Pejačević, te studije Luke Sorkočevića. Pogotovo su te skladbe izazvale burni aplauz i interes radoznale publike. 
U pauzi umjetnica se nije štedjela. Recitirala je i svoje stihove u engleskom prijevodu što je pobudilo posebne emocije kod publike. Iz zbirke Život cvijeća, koju je Vidović posvetila Dori Pejačević prema njenom istoimenom klavirskom op.19 i razdragana je kustosica muzeja gospođa Brekelmans odlučila odrecitirati pjesmu Đurđice koju je sama odabrala za tu prigodu.

Večer za pamćenje koji je našoj pijanistici još jedan u nizu znatnih inozemnih uspjeha koje neumorno niže. 

Foto: John Schenk 
Press Pianola muzeja

Dubravka Cecez Kecmanovic, a fan of Ivana Marija Vidović

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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