| Trio LUR was formed at the Zagreb Music Academy in 2011. The three students have found their common ground in the Baroque era, and have continued their musical collaboration and friendship in the exploration of the later musical periods. Their repertoire is based on the compositions that were intended to be performed by the flute, the voice and the organ or the harpsichord, written by Vivaldi, Purcell, Händel, Bach, Bajamonti, etc. In 2014, Trio Lur had concerts at the Ceremonial Hall of the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music in Rome, and in the della Misercordia basilica in Sant'Elpidio a Mare. |
Trio Lur, G. F. Händel: Singe, Seele, Gott zum Preise
Trio LUR Trio LUR osnovan je 2011. na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu u sklopu predmeta komorne glazbe pod vodstvom prof. Ljerke Očić, a surađivao je i s prof. Pavlom Mašićem. Studentice su kroz svoj rad, druženje i glazbu pronašle zajednički interes za komornu glazbupretežito baroknog razdoblja, a njihova glazbena radoznalost proteže se i do repertoara kasnijih razdoblja. Na programu trija su skladbe pisane za flautu, glas te orgulje ili čembalo, iz pera Vivaldija, Purcella, Händela, Bacha, Bajamontija i drugih. Trio LUR do sada je nastupio u sklopu koncerata Muzičke akademije, na akademskom ciklusu „Virtuoso“ te se publici predstavio recitalima u Zagrebu, Splitu, Trogiru, Omišu, na Šolti, Rabu i Čiovu, a 2014. godine u suradnji s Veleposlanstvom Republike Hrvatske pri Svetoj Stolici održao je koncerte u Svečanoj dvorani Instituta za sakralnu glazbu u Rimu te u Bazilici della Misercordia u Sant'Elpidiju a Mare. Iste godine nagrađen je od Grada Trogira za nastup na Trogirskom kulturnom ljetu i doprinos kulturi. | Trio LUR Trio LUR was formed at the Zagreb Music Academy in 2011, as a part of the Chamber music class held by Professor Ljerka Ocic, with the mentorship of Professor Pavao Masic. The three students have found their common ground in the Baroque era, and have continued their musical collaboration and friendship in the exploration of the later musical periods. Their repertoire is based on the compositions that were intended to be performed by the flute, the voice and the organ or the harpsichord, written by Vivaldi, Purcell, Händel, Bach, Bajamonti, etc. The Trio performed within the Zagreb Music Academy concert production, at the academy cycle Virtuoso, and held recitals in Zagreb, Split, Trogir, Omis, Solta, Rab and Ciovo. In 2014, in the cooperation with the Croatian Embassy in Vatican, Trio Lur had concerts at the Ceremonial Hall of the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music in Rome, and in the della Misercordia basilica in Sant'Elpidio a Mare. Trio Lur received an award for their performance and the cultural contribution by the town of Trogir in 2014. |
Trio Lur, L. Delibes: Le rossignol
Rea Alaburić (Zagreb, 1987) Rea Alaburić is a soprano specialising in early music. She graduated in singing from the Music Academy Zagreb, Croatia in June 2013. Rea received Second Prize at the State Competition in Croatia (HDGPP 2011), First Prize at the International Competition Bruna Špiler (Montenegro 2012) and First Prize for chamber ensemble at the International Organ & Voice Competition (Grožnjan 2012). She has performed as a soloist in J.S. Bach's Magnificat, M. A. Charpentier's Te Deum, G. Faure's Requiem, W. A. Mozart's Missa Brevis in D major and B flat major, A. Vivaldi's Gloria (RV 589) and F. Schubert's Mass in G and C major. She also performed in the Zagreb Music Academy's production of Purcell's The Fairy Queen and sang the role of 'Edelknabe' in R. Wagner's Lohengrin at the Croatian National Theater. Her interest in chamber and baroque music led to her involment with the Music Academy's Chamber Orchestra and she performs regularly throughout Croatia, Slovenia and Italy as part of the LUR trio for flute, voice and organ/cembalo. In 2013 she participated in the ISA 'Masterclass for Opera Singing and Performing in Class' byKS Edith Lienbacher in Vienna. Rea is currently completing her Masters at the Mozarteum University, Salzburg where she is associated with the Institute of Early Music. ![]() Rea Alaburić She is a member and a soloist in the church choir "Cantores Sancti Marci" from 2010th. She prefers chamber and baroque music so she cooperates with the Chamber orchestra of Music academy in which she performed J.S. Bach: Erschallet, ihr Lieder, BWV 172 and J. Haydn: Stabat Mater as a soloist. In summer 2013. she participated in the production of Don Giovanni in Germany (Weikersheim) as a member of the choir in the organisation of Jeunesses Musicales Deutschland. |
Rašeljka Lucija Petrač (Zagreb, 1990) Raseljka Lucija Petrac (1990) graduated from the Music Academy in Zagreb under Professor Renata Penezic in 2013. Within the Erasmus exchange program, she attended the music school Franz Liszt in Weimar in the class of Professors Ulf – Dieter Schaaff and Benjamin Plag. Throughout her studies, she performed at different national and international concerts, projects and competitions. Some of the most significant events include various musical cycles and festivals, such as: Virtuoso, Off-road Festival, The Ocic Salon, The Artistic Events at the Croatian Writers’ Association, The Darko Lukic Forum, The Young for the Young, The Young Musicians at the Matica Hrvatska, the Festival and seminar Pablo Casals in Prades, etc. Miss Petrac won several national and international awards: the first prizes from the Euritmia competition in Povoletto (IT) and Croatian Soloists and Chamber Music competitions, the golden prize from the Svirčl competition in Stanjel (SLO), and the fourth prize from the Flavtistra competition in Koper (SLO). She regularly attended many flute seminars held by the famous artists and pedagogues, for instance Andrea Oliva, András Adorján, János Balint, Michael Kofler, Julien Beaudiment, Sophie Cherrier, Walter Auer, Gudrun Hinze, Nathalie Rozat, Benoit Fromanger. ![]() Lucija Petrač Miss Petrac had solo performances with the Zagreb Music Academy Orchestra and the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra, she has collaborated with the Euro Young Classic Orchestra in Berlin, the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra, the Croatian Chamber Orchestra, the Croatian National Theatre. She performed within the academic symphonic projects conducted by the Zagreb Music Academy and the Franz Liszt Music School in Weimar. She is also engaged with the Strauss Ensemble and the Ladies’ Salon Ensemble. Miss Petrac is currently finishing her specialization in the class of Professor Andrea Oliva and Professor Maurizio Valentini in Imola, Italy, and teaching flute in the music school in Novska. |
Ursa Vukman (Trogir, 1990) Ursa Vukman (1990), graduated from the gymnasium ˝Ivan Lucic˝ in Trogir and the music high school Josip Hatze in Split, in the class of Professor Erma Sotirova, graduating both in Organ and Musical theory. In 2008, she enrolled in the Zagreb Music Academy, studying Organ with Professor Mario Penzar. Miss Vukman participated at the HDGPP competition in Zagreb in 2007, and won the first and the second prize at the national level. In 2011, she won the second prize at the Croatian Chamber Ensembles competition in Opatija. During her studies in Zagreb, Miss Vukman held the position of the organ player at the St. Peter's parish, accompanying the Sunday masses and conducting the girl choir Kefa. She cooperated with the Croatian Radiotelevision Symphony Orchestra and the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra in the Vatroslav Lisinski concert hall. She performed in the Museum of Contemporary Art within the Zagreb Music Biennale, and was awarded the Special Rector Prize for her performance. She took part in the academy cycle Virtuoso, playing the harpsichord and the organ; she performed as a soloist with the Zagreb Music Academy Brass Ensemble, at the competition Ferdo Livadic in Samobor, in the Ocic Salon, at the international festival Sonores organi in the Zagreb Cathedral, and at the International Organ Cycle in Ljubljana (SLO). She is a member of the Zagreb Youth Orchestra and the academic trio LUR. ![]() Ursa Vukman In 2012, she started her MA studies within the Erasmus exchange program at the Stuttgart Music Academy (GER), in the class of Professor Bernhard Hass and Jon Lakuvik. In 2013, she continues her studies at the Leipzig Music Academy (GER), in the class of Professor Stefan Engels. Miss Vukman has attended several organ seminars held by the distinguished musicians and pedagogues (Michel Bouvard, Christoph Bossert, Jon Laukvik, Bernahard Haas, Aline Zylberajch, Pavao Masic, Ante Knesaurek, Tomaz Sevsek Sramel, Margarete Hürholz, Jean Gillou, Ludger Lohmann ), and she has partaken in many organ festivals and concerts nationally and internationally. |
Carmen Fantasy for flute and Piano Lucija Petrac
Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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