Ante Glibota, distinguished Croatian historian of art and architecture, has been elected in June 2015 in Paris, in the Senat of the Republic of France, as the vice-president of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, L'Academie Europeenne des Sciences des Arts et des Lettres; L'AESAL). To be a leading person of this prestigious international institution, which gathers as many as 65 Nobel Prize winners, as well as several hundred outstanding experts in different fields, is not only a great honour for Mr. Ante Glibota, but for Croatia as well. We express our sincere gratitude to Mr. Ante Glibota for his achievements, wishing him good health and fruitful guidance of the Academy. |
Ante Glibota, distinguished Croatian historian of art and architecture, has been elected in June 2015 in Paris, in the Senat of the Republic of France, as the vice-president of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, L'Academie Europeenne des Sciences des Arts et des Lettres; L'AESAL). Ante Glibota, Croatian historian of art and architecture, author and curator To be a leading person of this prestigious international institution, which gathers as many as 65 Nobel Prize winners, as well as several hundred outstanding experts in different fields, is not only a great honour for Mr. Ante Glibota, but for Croatia as well. We express our sincere gratitude to Mr. Ante Glibota for his achievements, wishing him good health and fruitful guidance of the Academy. Mr. Ante Glibota has initiated many important cultural projects in his homeland Croatia. We mention one of them, which is lesser known: the project of Craotia - Europe (Hrvatska - Europa), in five volumes, under the auspices of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Zagreb. We express our gratitude to Mr. Glibota for this information. Drage kolege i prijatelji, štovani, Ovim vas želim izvjestiti, ispred svih ostalih, da je na jučerašnjem sastanku u Parizu, Evropske Akademije Znanosti i Umjetnosti ( l’Académie Européenne des Sciences, des Arts et des Lettres – L'AESAL), donešena jednoglasna odluka kojom me je L'AESAL izabrala za svog podpredsjednika. Odluka je obznanjena na sinoćnjoj svečanoj večeri u Francuskom državnom Senatu, povodom proslave 35-godisnjice L'AESAL. Predsjednik L'AESAL i dalje je Prof.Jean-Patrick Connerade, fizičar, profesor emeritus sa Imperial College iz Londona (broj 1 europsko i broj 2 za svijet rangirano Sveučilište po QS World University Rankings) Akademija uključuje u svom članstvu preko 65 Nobelovaca i više stotina najprestižnijih znanstvenika, umjetnika, filozofa, vrhunski istraživača u svim granama djelatnosti i pripada najvišoj znastvenoj kategoriji UNESCO-klasifikacije grupe O. Akademija je također usko vezana za UNESCO programme kao savjetodavna institucija, i njena je aktivnost u posljednjih 35 godina vrlo čvrsto povezana s UNESCO-im inicijativama, pa su i svi simpoziji, znanstvena događanja L'AESAL organizirana u zajedništvu ovih institucija i nacionalnih Akademija. Redovni članovi L'AESAL su obvezatno i redoviti članovi jedne od od nacionalnih Akademija,ili nosioci Nobelove nagrade ili Fields Medal, dok Izvanredni članovi mogu biti i izuzetni stručnjaci sa određenih područja, istaknuti umjetnici, književnici, filozofi, arhitekti…, bez da budu članovi nacionalnih akademija. S ljepim pozdravima i izrazima osobitog štovanja, Vaš, Ante Glibota ======================================= Ante GLIBOTA Historien d’art et d’architecture Vice-Président de l’Académie Européenne des Sciences, des Arts et des Lettres 76 Bis Rue de Rennes 75006 Paris - France Tél. 00 33 1 43 35 19 55 Tél. portable : 00 33 611 08 55 40 Tél. portable chinois : 0086-13681264081 Email: ======================================= |
Signs of Croatian Statehood, by Mr. Ante Glibota, which contains
facssimiles of several dozens of the most important Croatian legal documents,
from the 9th to the 20th century.
Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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