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The story of the film Zvizdan (The High Sun), the first Croatian Cannes Laureate
By Marko Puljić
Published on 05/25/2015
Croatian film managed to achieve great success in Cannes. "Zvizdan" (The High Sun) directed by Dalibor Matanic (left) won the Jury Prize for Best Film in the "Un Certain Regard". It was screened on May 17 and immediately impressed the audience, and then, obviously, the jury. Croatia has also won its first Cannes laureate. This award gives a strong wind into the sails to all Croatian filmmakers wanting a breakthrough onto the international market.

Croatian film scores a major victory in Cannes

This is no ordinary story of boy-meets-girl. Two young people fall in love, but they come from neighbouring villages, divided by different religions and different ethnicities. The people around them disapprove strongly and are dead-set against their relationship – it is difficult to overcome a deep-rooted hatred. The story is told in three parts, each taking place at a ten-year interval, from the early 1990s to the present. We follow six different lovers over three consecutive decades, each character in each decade played by the same actor. By speaking about the inter-ethnic hatred that is so well known in our region, our story aims to speak of hatred in general – the hatred and mistrust of the Other.

The story of Zvizdan (The High Sun), the first Croatian Cannes Laureate

Croatian film managed to achieve great success in Cannes. "Zvizdan" (The High Sun) directed by Dalibor Matanic (left) won the Jury Prize for Best Film in the "Un Certain Regard". It was screened on May 17 and immediately impressed the audience, and then, obviously, the jury. Croatia has also won its first Cannes laureate.

The 68th Cannes jury, chaired by renowned actress and director Isabella Rosuch ssellini presented “Zvizdan” with the award. This award is the highest recognition that Croatian film has ever earned.

When the film was shown, there was a big fuss, as we speak here about the film. A lot of foreign journalists and critics were constantly around, which means that the film had a strong response, but in this wolfish competition no one could have expected it.Matanic said to HRT.

All sales agents, distributors and festival selectors are here, and closely monitor the program, reactions about the film since its premiere are excellent, said Vanja Sremac from the Croatian Audiovisual Centre.

"Zvizdan" (The High Sun) was selected from a field of 19 films, out of a reported 1400. This love story takes place over three decades, in two adjacent Dalmatian villages burdened with historic heritage and follows three forbidden loves, in which the same actors, Tihana Lazovic and Goran Markovic appear as the protagonists.

This award gives a strong wind into the sails to all Croatian filmmakers wanting a breakthrough onto the international market.


Priča o "Zvizdanu", prvom hrvatskom kanskom laureatu

U Cannesu se dogodio veliki uspjeh hrvatskog filma. "Zvizdan" redatelja Dalibora Matanića dobio je nagradu žirija za najbolji film u programu "Izvjestan pogled". Premijerno je prikazan 17. svibnja i odmah je oduševio publiku, a onda, očito, i žiri. Hrvatska je tako dobila svojega prvog kanskog laureata.

Žirijem 68. Cannesa, koji je "Zvizdanu" dodijelio nagradu, predsjeda velika glumačka diva i redateljica Isabella Rosellini. Ova nagrada najveće je priznanje hrvatskom filmu dosad.

Kad je film prikazan, krenuo je veliki fuss, kako govorimo ovdje oko filma. Jako puno stranih novinara i kritičara se stalno javljalo, znači odjeknuo je film snažno, ali ipak u ovoj svirepoj konkurenciji nitko to nije mogao očekivati, kazao je Matanić za HRT.

Svi prodajni agenti, distributeri i festivalski selektori su ovdje, budno prate program, reakcije oko filma su od same njegove premijere odlične, kaže Vanja Sremac iz Hrvatskog audiovizualnog centra.

"Zvizdan" je odabran u konkurenciji od 19 filmova, a prijavljeno ih je bilo 1400. Ljubavna priča događa se u tri desetljeća, u dva susjedna dalmatinska sela opterećena povijesnim naslijeđem te prati tri zabranjene ljubavi, u kojima se kao protagonisti pojavljuju isti glumci, Tihana Lazović i Goran Marković.

Ova nagrada snažan je vjetar u leđa svim hrvatskim filmašima željnima proboja na inozemno tržište.


Formatted for CROWN by Marko Puljic
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