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‘Everything is Forever’ biographic film about Nenad Bach wins international filmfest top awards in Houston
By Violi Calvert
Published on 04/18/2014
  The journey of Croatian-American composer/singer and writer Nenad Bach through war and peace, and rock and roll captured in the documentary/feature film ‘Everything is Forever’ won top awards at the 47th Annual Worldfest Houston International Film Festival (April 4-13). The feature film garnered the prestigious Platinum Remi Award for Theatrical Feature Film & Video Award and the Special Jury Remi Award for Music Video Award – Stage Concert/ Performance. Written by Violi Calvert. On the photo Stehanie Silber, Victor Zimet and Nenad.

Nenad: "I feel humbled and honored. After 15 years it feels great to be validated at the first festival. My gratitude towards the whole team especially Vic and Steph"

Stephanie Silber, Vic Zimet and Nenad Bach - the winning team

‘Everything is Forever’ biographic film about Nenad Bach wins international filmfest top awards

April 14, 2014

Last week, TFA Community Blogs featured Croatian-American composer-singer-writer Nenad Bach and his connection with the Filipino Australian community through his music which he lent to support charity drives for victims of super typhoons in the Philippines. Last night, TFA learned that a feature film about him, ‘Everything is Forever’, won top international film awards. TFA writer Violi Calvert shares with us her notes on the awards and Nenad Bach. / Ed.

The journey of Croatian-American composer/singer and writer Nenad Bach through war and peace, and rock and roll captured in the documentary/feature film ‘Everything is Forever’ won top awards at the 47th Annual Worldfest Houston International Film Festival (April 4-13).

The feature film garnered the prestigious Platinum Remi Award for Theatrical Feature Film & Video Award and the Special Jury Remi Award for Music Video Award – Stage Concert/ Performance.

The film spanning fifteen years of the life of Nenad Bach in the USA, Croatia and other parts of Europe, was cleverly made alive on the screen by the talented director Vic Zimet and produced by the prolific writer Stephanie Silber, both of Home Team Productions. Vic and Stephanie were thrilled to receive the plaques with Nenad during the awarding ceremony.

One of Nenad’s friends who attended the film festival was David Byler, 8th generation Croatian-American. David posted on Facebook:

“I’m exhausted and happy tonight/this morning/this afternoon whatever it is. The World Premiere showing of the Vic Zimet film “Everything is Forever” about Nenad Bach was a fantastic success. Not only did the Croatian club show up in strength, many others in the Croatian and Bosnian community were with us tonight. There were viewers from Mexico and Kuwait, India, Germany and other countries came too. New friends were there and enjoyed the production and contributed with good solid questions during the question and answer period as well. Nenad and Vic were so swamped with admirers that it was difficult to clear the theatre for the next show. Marvellous evening! Now I’m off to sleep. Laka ti noc ya’ll!”

When asked for his comments on the mammoth wins of ‘Everything is Forever’, Nenad said: “I feel humbled and honored. After 15 years it feels great to be validated at the first festival. My gratitude towards the whole team especially Vic and Steph.”

The Houston International Film Festival is the first of four film festivals so far that ‘Everything is Forever’ has joined and has been officially accepted.

The indications are that it will be reaping more success as it gets screened in subsequent film festivals.

The film does not only have the components that appeal to discerning viewers and critics; it is also backed by the passion, talent and other admirable qualities of the subject [Nenad Bach] and the team behind it [Vic Zimet, Stephanie Silber and rest of the Home Team Productions].

Violi Calvert, freelance writer

Everything is Forever

Everything is forever
But nothing feels, nothing feels the same
Everything, just everything is for better
That's the only way I can explain

How many summers In front of us?
How many loved ones left behind?
How many cups of coffee in front of me?
How many friends..still alive?

Everything I want from you
Is everything I want from me
Everything I do for you,
Is so everything I do for myself

Winter comes and winter goes
Kingdoms rise and kingdoms fall
You and I like a living proof

Everything is forever
But nothing feels, nothing feels the same
Everything, just everything is for better
That's the only way I can explain

How many stories and how many glories?
How many children left in vain? Died in vain?
How many mothers and how many brothers?
How many friends...still alive?

Everything is forever, but nothing feels, nothing feels,
nothing feels the same

Music and lyrics by Nenad Bach

Nenad Bach, logo pose with the awards

"Sve je zauvjek" biografski film o Nenadu Bachu osvojio je dvije ugledne međunarodne nagrade

"Sve je zauvjek" biografski film o Nenadu Bachu osvojio je dvije ugledne međunarodne nagrade
Prošli tjedan hrvatsko-američki skladatelj, pjevač i autor Nenad Bach bio je predstavljen u australskim novinama, među ostalim radi radi humanitarne pomoći žrtvama super-tajfuna nad Filipinima. Upravo smo doznali da je biografski film o Nenadu Bachu pod naslovom "Sve je zauvjek" (Everything is Forver) dana 13. travnja 2014. osvojio dvije ugledne međunarodne filmske nagrade u Houstonu na četrdeset sedmom po redu World Fest International Film Festival.

Nagrađeni film je osvojio prestižnu Platinastu Remi-nagradu (Platinum Remi Award) za dokumentarni film i koncertnu izvedbu.

Film koji pokriva petnaest godina života Nenada Bacha vješto je oživio na filmskom platnu nadareni redatelj Victor Zimet, a producirala ga je američka spisateljica Stephanie Silber, oboje iz producentske kuće Home Team Productions iz New Yorka. Oboje su, zajedno s Nenadom Bachom, bili oduševljeni primanjem plakete tijekom svečane dodjele nagrada.

Jedan od Nenadovih prijatelja, g. David Byler, koji pripada osmoj generaciji američkih Hrvata, također je sudjelovao na svečanosti, a na Facebooku je objavio sljedeće:

"Iscrpljen sam i sretan večeras. Svjetska premijera filma "Sve je zauvjek" Victora Zimeta o Nenadu Bachu postigla je fantastičan uspjeh. Ne samo da je Hrvatski klub (Croatian Club) pokazao svoju snagu, nego su i druge hrvatske i bosanske zajednice bile večeras s nama. Bili su također i posjetitelji iz Meksika, Kuwaita, Indije, Njemačke i drugih zemalja. Naši novi prijatelji su doprinijeli ukupnom dojmu svojim jako dobrim pitanjima tijekom razgovora nakon projekcije filma. Nenad i Vic bili su toliko opsjedani s obožavateljima da je bilo teško isprazniti dvoranu za sljedeću projekciju. Veličanstvena večer! Sada idem spavati. Laku noć svima."

Na upit da komentira veliki uspjeh filma "Sve je zauvjek", Nenad je odgovorio: "Osjećam se i skrušeno i počašćeno. Nakon petnaest godina lijep je osjećaj biti priznat na takvom premijernom festivalu. Izražavam duboku zahvalnost cijelom timu, osobitu Victoru i Stephanie."

Spomenuti Međunarodni filmski festivalu u Houstonu prvi je od četriri filmska festivala do sada na kojima je "Everything is Forever" ušao u službenu konkurenciju. Postoje naznake da bi takvih uspjeha moglo biti i ubuduće.

Film nije privlačan samo za odabrane gledatelje i kritiku. On je prožet emocijama, talentom i zadivljujućim kvalitetama Nenad Bacha i njegova tima (Vic Zimeta, Stephanie Silber i ostalih iz producentske kuće Home Team Productions).

Napisala Violi Calvert

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