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Goran Karan very successful concerts of Croatian singer in London in June 2013
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić
Published on 06/21/2013
Goran Karan, a well known Croatian pop singer from the city of Split, will remember the year of 2013 for a series of very successful concerts in Estonia and Poland, culminating with two concerts in England, in London - in Dingwalls Club and Gloucester Millenium Hotel. His singing is deeply influenced by very emotional local Dalmatian melodies. Besides the mentioned concerts, Goran had many other concerts held in Austria, Germany, Italy, France, along with three tours in the United States.

Concerts in Dingwalls Club and Gloucester Millenium Hotel in London

Goran Karan was born on April 2, 1964. In the beginning of the 80’s, Goran started his career as a musician in various bands such as “Epicentar”, “Deveti krug”, “Zippo” and “Big Blue”.In 1995, as a frontman of the band called “Big Blue”, Goran received an award for the rock hit of the year for the song “Priznaj mi”. Later in the same year, Goran was given the lead role in the musical “Sarajevski krug” (The Sarajevo circle). Album from the musical an...d the Big Blue’s debut album were released both in Croatian and English. Many concerts held in Austria, Germany, Italy, France, along with three tours in the United States.

In the beginning of 1997 Goran began his solo career. In 1998 Goran won “Zadar-fest” with the song “Kazna mi je što te ljubim”. By the end of 1998, Goran was given the male leading role in the musical “Rock It” in the “Ronacher” theater in Vienna. It was a production composed of eight most popular musicals such as: “Jesus Christ Superstar”, “Grease”, “Hair”, “Tommy”, etc.In 1999 Goran’s first solo album”Kao da te ne volim” was released. It was the result of collaboration with Zdenko Runjić, the famous composer from Split. The album was the bestselling album in Croatia for that year and it reached platinum recording sales certification.

In the same year Goran wins the prestigious music festival in Croatia called “Melodije hrvatskog Jadrana”. The song that won was called “Prozor kraj đardina” and it was composed by Zdenko Runjić. In the polls made by Croatian newspaper “Slobodna Dalmacija”, Goran was pronounced best male performer of the year, as well as in many other polls and listings of numerous magazines, newspapers and radio stations throughout Croatia.


Goran Karan in London

Goran Karan singing in his native city of Split

Goran Karan nakon Poljske, gdje je promovirao svoj novi album „Čovik tvoj“, preselio se na desetak dana u London gdje je održao dva koncerta !
Goran Karan i njegov band Vagabundo 04.06.13. nastupili su u kultnom londonskom klubu Dingwalls, u kojem su oduševili prisutnu publiku i odradili englesku promociju novog albuma.

“Vagabundo band i ja smo pocetkom ovog lipnja imali priliku, cast i zadovoljstvo uzivo nastupati u prijestolnici svjetske glazbe- Londonu.
Prvi koncert se dogodio u Dingwalls-u, klubu koji se nalazi u umjetnickom dijelu britanske metropole Camdenu. Publika je bila raznolika i sjajno raspolozena; od nasih ljudi, preko regionalnih ljubitelja moje glazbe, sve do Iraca i Poljaka. Tu je bio i legendarni dalmatinski zer- tamnoputi Cliff Pierre, podrijetlom s Barbadosa, koji je ozenivsi se za Mirjanu iz Biograda postao veliki ljubitelj dalmatinske glazbe, pa je cijelu vecer s nama pjevao uglas.

Zahvalio bih se Tanji na pruzenom gostoprimstvu i Bobu Perisicu koji je bio organizator ovog nastupa. Hvala, dobri ljudi!

Nakon tog nastupa imali smo dva dana slobodno, pa nas je bilo svuda po Londonu. Razmilili smo se podzemnom, kombijem i pjeske, upijajuci dojmove na svim stranama ovog izuzetnog grada.
Piccadily, Notting Hill, Portobello Road, Hyde Park, Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, Abbey Road- Remo, Joke, Mamic, Korunic, Ercegovic, Buric i nas manager Ornela i ja smo zujali svom snagom.

Drugi koncert je bio u Gloucester Millenium Hotelu na Kensingtonu, a bio je dijelom gala vecere americke tvrtke Morinda, koja je organizirala sve europski event. Osoba zasluzna za ovaj nas angažman se zove Kornelia i- veliko hvala!
Svirali smo pred 700 ljudi iz svih zemalja i krajeva naseg starog kontinenta. Ono najbolje je cinjenica da smo tijekom odlicne zabave svirali 80% mojih pjesama, i to na hrvatskom jeziku, a da je publika sretno plesala i ludovala preko dva sata.
Uz to, tematika cijele te gala vecere bila je nezaobilazni 007 James Bond, pa smo kao dodatak svirali temu iz zadnjeg filma Skyfall od Adele, kao i Live and let die, od Paula Mc Cartneya, koju su ne tako davno rado svirali i Guns and Roses.

Na povratku smo imali herojskih 2120 km, vozeno u komadu, i to ja…
Ekipa je sve izdrzala, bravo i samo tako, dragi moji.

Nasih je dozivljaja, dojmova i osjecaja bilo puno vise i bolje i dublje nego sto se u ovom tekstu da napisati.
E, to su nasi dragulji, nase uspomene i to je razlog za nasu zahvalnost na najljepsem poslu na svijetu.

A vi – vi nam ga cinite takvim.

Dobri ljudi, pozdrav i puno vam hvala!”

Gorana čeka još jedan veliki koncert u Krakovu, u Poljskoj, na velikom trgu povodom ulaska Hrvatske u EU i to 03.07.2013. Na koncertu nastupiti će i Ana Rucner, s kojom Goran ima duet „Adam i Eva“ s novog albuma.

Izvori i

Goran Karan in Poland in 2013

Goran Karan announced as pearl of Croatia prior to his concert in Poland

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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