Zagreb Technopolis, or the Silicon Valley on the Sava River, is a large science and technology park of 236 000 m2 envisaged on the site of the never completed hospital. That would be the place of the future science and technology park for high-tech firms, an entrepreneurial zone for large productive enterprises, business schools and various accompanying facilities like multimedia halls, conference rooms, laboratories, banks, restaurants, kindergarten. Zagreb Technopolis won’t be just some large office area for accommodation of various big and small firms. It will be the place where entrepreneurs, companies and products for export will be developed, and new jobs opened. |
U ponedjeljak, 28. svibnja 2012. u Starogradskoj vijećnici Grada Zagreba Razvojna agencija Zagreb je zajedno s Uredom Gradonačelnika predstavila Tehnopolis, novi projekt za gospodarski razvoj, projekt za koji se očekuje da će pokrenuti zagrebačko gospodarstvo, a preko toga i Hrvatsku. Tehnopolis Zagreb je veliki tehnološki park, prava naša Silikonska dolina koja će biti realizirana na prostoru Sveučilišne bolnice Zagreb, u likvidaciji od 1995. To je upravo idealno mjesto za Tehnopolis. Objekt je smješten na južnoj obali Save, na području koje se zove Blato, na ulazu u Zagreb, ima 236.000 m2 , a gotovo 40% je završen. Vezan je uz moderne prometnice i autoput, a blizina Save omogućiti će mu i prometne veze rijekom. Sada je ta bolnica u Blatu u procesu likvidacije koji treba završiti i objekt pripremiti za novu namjenu. Prostor u Blatu je velik i zato se mogu predvidjeti različite namjene:
Možemo očekivati stotine poduzetnika, velikih i malih poduzeća koji će se smjestiti u tom ogromnom objektu i zapošljavati i tisuću zaposlenika. Tehnopolis će biti energetski neovisan, jer leži na izvorima termalne vode koja će se koristiti za grijanje, što je već bilo predviđano i nekadašnjim projektom bolnice. | On Monday 28th of May 2012 at the Old City Hall, Development Agency Zagreb together with the Mayor’s Office, presented Zagreb Technopolis, a brand new project for economic development, the project that is expected to restart Zagreb’s economy, and through that, Croatian. Zagreb Technopolis is a large science and technology park, our Silicon Valley, envisaged at the site of the abandoned University Hospital Zagreb-Blato that has gone into liquidation since 1995. The process should soon end and prepare the building for its new purpose. The building is located on the south bank of the Sava River, at the area named Blato at the western entry to Zagreb. It has an area of 236 000 m2 and almost 40% of it is completed. It is connected to modern roads and a highway, whereas the vicinity of Sava enables river transport. That is an ideal place for Technopolis. The site of Blato is large and therefore open to various functions:
Hundreds of entrepreneurs are expected, with big and small companies situated in this large building, and employing thousands of workers. Technopolis will be energy-independent, due to its thermal spring water that will be used for heating, and which was also planned in the previous hospital project. |
Kako će djelovati Tehnopolis Zagreb Tehnopolis neće samo iznajmljivati poslovni i proizvodni prostor poduzetnicima. Trebamo ga zato da rješava gospodarske probleme Grada Zagreba, a ti problemi su veliki i neće se riješiti jednostavnim iznajmljivanjem poslovnog prostora. Zagreb treba Tehnopolis da stvara nove poduzetnike i poveća broj proizvodnih poduzeća, da omogućuje, potiče i podupire rast i razvoj postojećih poduzetnika, da ostvaruje vezu sa znanošću, da privlači poduzeća koja su otišla iz Zagreba, da privlači naše poduzetnike iz dijaspore. A najviše od svega da stvara nova radna mjesta i proizvode za izvoz. Kod toga Tehnopolis treba:
Tehnopolis mora biti središte Hrvatskog inovacijskog sustava koji će povezivati sve institucije što razvijaju i stvaraju inovativne proizvode, te služe za potporu procesu komercijalizacije inovacija i razvoja poduzetništva. U tom inovacijskom sustavu treba biti uključen i obrazovani sustav od osnovnih škola do fakulteta koji će poticati i razvijati kreativnost i inovativnost budućih poduzetnika. Temelj razvoja Tehnopolisa bit će kreativnost, a često su inspiracija znanstvenicima upravo umjetnici. Kao što je rekao naš veliki umjetnik Nenad Bach: „Sve velike tehnološke revolucije desile su se na plodnom glazbenom tlu, dakle nije dovoljno izgraditi Tehnopolis, već potaknuti kulturni razvoj čitavog grada, ne bi li privukli one najkreativnije“. Tehnopolis mora biti multidisciplinarni projekt u kojem će stručnjaci iz različitih oblasti od znanosti, gospodarstva do umjetnosti dati svoj doprinos. Ne smijemo u Tehnopolisu vidjeti samo prostor za smještaj poduzetnika. On mora pokazivati:
Tehnoplis ćemo povezati i s našim povijesnim osloncima u znanosti i kulturi pa će se u Tehnopolis dolaziti Avenijom Slavoljuba Penkale, središnji trg će se zvati Trg Ruđera Boškovića, prometnica koja ide kroz Tehnopolis zvat će se Ulica Nikole Tesle, a svaki objekt (toranj) nositi će ime naših velikana, nobelovaca Vladimira Preloga i Lavoslava Ružićke, renesansnog znanstvenika Fausta Vrančića i renesansnog pjesnika Marka Marulića. Imati ćemo dvije Dvorane slavnih - Muzej naših velikana, s najvećim našim znanstvenicima i njihovim rezultatima i Izložbu najboljih proizvoda iz Tehnopolisa. Smjestiti ćemo i glazbeni klub sa svim pravcima glazbe od klape, jazza do rocka i klasike. Za realizaciju tih složenih zadataka potrebni i su i mnogobrojni resursi koje Zagreb ima:
Projekt Tehnopols Zagreb je veliki i vrlo složeni projekt koji zahtijeva stručno i profesionalno vođenje i koordiniranje velikog broja stručnih timova od timova pravnika za imovinsko-pravne odnose, urbanista, arhitekata, energetičara, financijaša do tehnologa i umjetnika. Zagreb ima takve stručnjake, samo im treba dati priliku. | How will Zagreb Technopolis function? Technopolis won’t only rent office and production area to entrepreneurs. We need it because it solves Zagreb’s economic problems, and these problems are so big that they cannot be solved by renting office space only. Zagreb needs Technopolis to create new entrepreneurs and to increase the number of productive enterprises, to enable, stimulate and encourage the growth and progress of the existing entrepreneurs, to build connections with science, to attract companies that left Zagreb, and to attract our emigrant entrepreneurs. And most of all – to open new jobs and create products for export. In order to succeed in doing this, Technopolis should:
Technopolis needs to be the center of innovation system in Croatia that will connect all institutions working in the development and creation of innovative products, and supporting the process of innovation commercialization and entrepreneurship development. This innovation system should also include education system from primary school to college that will inspire and develop creativity and innovativeness of future entrepreneurs. The core of Technopolis will be creativity, and scientists very often find true inspiration in artists. Just like our great artist Nenad Bach said: “All great industrial revolutions happened on a fertile musical ground. Therefore, it’s not enough to build Technopolis, but to encourage cultural development of the entire city in order to attract the most creative people.” Technopolis is a multidisciplinary project in which experts from various fields of science, economy and arts participate together. Technopolis shouldn’t be perceived as just another place where entrepreneurs will be situated. Above all, it is:
Technopolis will also be linked with the footholds in our history of science and culture, so the main entry to Technopolis will be via Slavoljub Penkala Avenue, the main square will be Ruđer Bošković Square, the main path through Technopolis will be Nikola Tesla Street, and each building (tower) will be named after our leading scientists and scholars - the Nobel prize winners Vladimir Prelog and Lavoslav Ružička, the Renaissance scientist Faust Vrančić, and the Renaissance poet and humanist Marko Marulić. There will be two Halls of Fame – The Science Greats Museum presenting our world-class scientists and their inventions, and Exhibition of best Technopolis products. There will also be a music club playing all musical genres from Croatian ethnic music, to jazz, rock and classical music. In order to succeed in fulfilling these challenging tasks, one needs numerous resources that Zagreb has in abundance:
Zagreb Technopolis is the large and highly complex project that requires expert and professional management, with a coordination of large number of expert teams, from the team of lawyers, town-planners, architects, energetics specialists, financial experts, technologists and artists. Zagreb is full of such experts – we just need to give them a chance. |
Sažetak Tehnopolis Zagreb, Silikonska dolina na Savi, je veliki tehnološki park o 236.000 m2 koji bi se realizirao u nezavršenom objektu planirane bolnice u Blatu. Na tom mjestu bio bi tehnološki park za poduzeća visoke tehnologije temeljena na znanju, poduzetnički inkubator za start-up poduzetnike, poduzetnička zona za velika proizvodna poduzeća, poslovna škola i različiti prateći sadržaji kao što su multimedijalna dvorana, banke, restorani, dječji vrtić, parkiralište. Tehnopolis Zagreb neće biti samo veliki poslovni prostor u koji će se smjestiti mnogobrojna velika i mala poduzeća. To će biti mjesto u kojem će se stvarati poduzetnici, poduzeća, izvozni proizvodi i nova radna mjesta. Tehnopolis Zagreb će razvijati industriju znanja koja je uvijek bila temelj zagrebačke industrije. | Summary Zagreb Technopolis, or the Silicon Valley on the Sava River, is a large science and technology park of 236 000 m2 envisaged on the site of the never completed hospital at Blato. That would be the place of the future science and technology park for high-tech firms, an entrepreneurial zone for large productive enterprises, business schools and various accompanying facilities like multimedia halls, conference rooms, laboratories, banks, restaurants, kindergarten. Zagreb Technopolis won’t be just some large office area for accommodation of various big and small firms. It will be the place where entrepreneurs, companies and products for export will be developed, and new jobs opened. Zagreb Technopolis will develop knowledge industry that has always been the basis of Zagreb’s industry. |
Zašto Grad Zagreb treba Tehnopolis Mnogima koji se pitaju zašto Zagreb treba Tehnopolis, možemo jasno i uvjerljivo odgovoriti:
Zagrebačko gospodarstvo danas karakteriziraju:
I zbog toga:
Povećanje broja zaposlenih, izvoza i prihoda može se ostvariti samo u proizvodnim djelatnostima:
Sve to će se provoditi u Tehnopolisu Zagreb i zato ga trebamo. Tehnopolis Zagreb razvijati će industriju znanja koja je uvijek bila temelj zagrebačke industrije. | Why does Zagreb need Technopolis? To those who raise the question why Zagreb needs Technopolis, we can give simple and convincible answers:
At the moment, Zagreb’s economy is characterized by:
And because of these reasons:
The increase of the number of employees, export and income can only be achieved through production activities by:
All this will be carried out in Zagreb Technopolis and that is why we need it. Zagreb Technopolis will develop the knowledge industry that has always been the basis of Zagreb’s industry. |
Iskustva Tehnološkog parka Zagreb Način rada novog Tehnopolisa temeljiti će se na iskustvima dosadašnjeg, Tehnološkog parka Zagreb koji je smješten na Trešnjevci, kraj Končara. Tehnološki park Zagreb, osnovan 1994. u koncernu KONČAR je prvi tehnološki park, poduzetnički inkubator za visoke tehnologije u Hrvatskoj, a 1998. ga je od Končara kupio Grad Zagreb. Od 2008. Tehnološki park je dio Razvojne agencije Zagreb. Relativno je mali po prostoru, mnogo manji nego što Grad Zagreb treba i zaslužuje, ali je po svojim rezultatima na području razvoja inovativnih proizvoda konkurentnih na svjetskom tržištu sigurno jedan od najboljih u Srednjoj Europi. Poduzetnici iz TPZ-a izvoze u 48 zemalja svijeta, za svoje inovativne proizvode dobili su 12 patenata i 151 nagradu na izložbama inovacija u cijelom svijetu od Kuala Lumpura, Londona do Čakovca. Godišnje se u TPZ-u razvija 25-30 novih proizvoda. Najmlađi poduzetnik ima 22 godine. Poduzetnici u TPZ-u djeluju na raznim područjima, ali informatičari dominiraju. Najjača područja su - informatika, Internet, telekomunikacija, zatim industrijska elektronika, dijagnostika, te projektiranje elektromotornih pogona i sustava. Možemo si samo zamisliti kakve bi rezultate pravi uvjeti polučili. Cijena izgradnje Tehnopolisa Zagreb Gruba procjena troškova završetka cijelog Tehnopolisa:
Ukupno: cca 185.043,600,00 $ Taj iznos na prvi pogled izgleda velik, ali to je procjena ukupne cijene cijelog objekta kada će biti kompletno završen, možda nakon 10 godina. Osim toga ta je cijena za sto milijuna eura manja od cijene jedno Westgatea – kompleksa supermarketa na ulazu u Grad. Sve se može i mora raditi u etapama i svaka etapa može biti zaokružena poslovna i proizvodna cjelina. Faze izgradnje će se odvijati u skladu s:
Prva faza će biti uređenje prve zgrade (14.059,00 m2), okoliša, energetike i prometnice do Tehnopolisa za što će biti potrebno oko 10.910.000 $. Ovakav Tehnopolis može pokrenuti zagrebačko gospodarstvo, a preko toga i Hrvatsku. Sve je spremno, prvi korak je učinjen. Sad samo ljudi koji upravljaju Gradom Zagrebom trebaju povući prave korake. M.Sc. Marijan Ožanić 15. lipnja 2012. | The experience from Zagreb Technology Park The working mode of Technopolis will be based on the experience from Zagreb Technology Park, situated at Trešnjevka near KONČAR-Electrical Industry Inc. Zagreb Technology Park was established in 1994 as a part of KONČAR concern, thus being the first science and technology park and entrepreneurial incubator for high technologies in Croatia. In 1998 it had become a part of the City of Zagreb, and since 2008 it has been a part of the Development Agency Zagreb. Although small in surface area, and definitely too small in comparison what Zagreb really needs and deserves, its results in the field of the development of innovative products able to compete on the world market make it one of the best in Central Europe. Entrepreneurs in Zagreb Technology Park export to 48 countries of the world, and their innovative products granted them 12 patents and 151 awards in innovation exhibitions worldwide. About 25 to 30 new products are developed in Zagreb Technology Park annually. The youngest entrepreneur is 22 years old. Entrepreneurs from Zagreb Technology Park cover various fields, although, computer experts are predominant. The strongest fields are computer science, telecommunication, industrial electronics, diagnostics, and design of electric-motor drive and systems. And we can only imagine what other great results could be achieved in proper accommodation! Zagreb Technopolis construction expenses A rough cost estimate for the completion of the entire Technopolis:
Total: approx. 185.043,600,00 $ At first glance, the given amount is enormous, however, it is the total cost estimate for the entire building when it is entirely completed, maybe after 10 years. Besides, this price is about 100 000 000 Euros smaller than the price of West Gate Shopping Centre. All can and should be built in stages, and each stage can function as an independent business and production unit. Building stages will be conducted in accordance with:
Stage One will include restructuring of the first building (14.059 m2), with its surroundings, energetics and infrastructure leading to Technopolis, which will cost about 10.910.000 $. Technopolis like this can restart Zagreb’s economy, as well as Croatian. Everything is ready. The first step has already been made. Now it is only up to the people who run the City of Zagreb to make the right steps. M.Sc. Marijan Ožanić June 15, 2012 |