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Dr. Andrija Puharich: parapsychologist, medical researcher, and inventor
By Marko Puljić | Published  06/8/2012 | Science , Croatian Life Stories | Unrated
The father of the American new age movement
Andrija (Henry) K. Puharich M.D., LL.D., was born on February 19, 1918 in Chicago, United States. He graduated from Northwestern University Medical School in 1947 and completed his residency in internal medicine at Permanente Hospital in California.

During his scientific career Dr. Puharich held 56 American and foreign patents for his inventions in the fields of medical electronics, neurophysiology and biocybernetics. His most known invention was a microelectronic hearing-aid for nerve deafs, which was developed in "Intelectron Corporation" in New York, a 1960 venture of Puharich where he had served as president and director of research for 10 years.

Furthermore, Dr. Puharich had various academic and professional memberships (the New York Academy of Sciences, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Aerospace Medical Association, and the American Association for Humanistic Psychology to name a few), had published over 50 papers and articles in scientific and professional journals and written a few books (Uri, Beyond Telepathy, The Sacred Mushroom, etc.).

In his everlasting need for new knowledge, Dr. Puharich turned to physics and tracked the footsteps of the Croatian scientist, Dr. Nicola Tesla, who experimented with new kind of electromagnetic waves in the beginning of the 20th century. During his own tests, Dr. Puharich found that these waves, known to science as Extremely Low Frequency non-hertzian electromagnetic waves (E.L.F or scalar waves), could have a dramatic effect on both people and the environment, for better or worse.

One more of Puharich's fruitful inventions had to do with the world's energy crisis. This invention, U.S. Patent 4,394,230, Method and Apparatus for Splitting Water Molecules, issued to Dr. Andrija Puharich in 1983, made complex electrical waveforms resonate water molecules and shatter them. This freed hydrogen and oxygen, thus creating a new kind of environment-friendly fuel made of water.


Not to confuse the reader at this late point in our story it is incumbent upon me to mention that Puharich's full and actual name was Henry Karl Puharich. He did not get to calling himself Andrija (Croatian for Henry) until later in his life. Source:

Following this attempt, the tape recorder was started again, and I asked for my mother, Rose, who had died in 1956, but I spoke in Croatian, the language in which she and I had spoken so often. When the tape was played back, we heard the phrase in Croatian "To Rosalija," and to my ear it had the voice quality of my mother as I remembered it. The phrase meant "This is Rose." Source:

Puharich's book The Sacred Mushroom published in 1959. His book published in Croatian in 1989 and translated by Antonija ©ober-Alkalaj

Puharich describes his (patented) method for splitting water into Hydrogen and Oxygen

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Andrija Puharich, M.D. discusess "The Nine", 9 principles/forces/personalities overseeing reality.

Formatted for CROWN by   Marko Puljić
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  • Comment #1 (Posted by Jerry (Jerko) Justic)

    I was not aware of Dr. Puharich's inventions. He is quite an inventor, and a great person. I have only heard of him briefly. I was born and raised in Croatia (Island Krk), came to the USA in the 60's where I obtained a degree in Electronics Engineering. Now I am retired, and living on Long Island, NY
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