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Marija Zudenigo footprint collection exhibited in Rijeka, Croatia, November 16th – 29th, 2011
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic
Published on 12/21/2011
Marija Zudenigo, city of Rijeka, Croatia: "Mother is a child’s first earth. The way we learn to walk on our first earth is the way we walk through our life. All our inner imbalances adopted from this ‘walk’ make themselves known in our physical walk. It was this insight that made me a footprint collector." Her collection of  more than 3,000 footprints is exhibited in Kortil Art Gallery in Rijeka, November 16th – 29th, 2011.

Footprints of the people whose way of walking I like or who walked into my life

Marija Zudenigo exhibiting footprints of children, grown-ups, friends, ...

Majka je dijetetu prva zemlja. Kako naučimo hodati po svojoj prvoj zemlji tako ćemo hodati kroz život. Sve naše unutarnje neuravnoteženosti naučene iz ovog " hoda" mogu se prepoznati u našem tjelesnom hodu.

Ta spoznaja pretvorila me dvije  zadnje godine (2010. i 2011.) u skupljačicu otisaka stopala.
Ovu izložbu čine svi artefakti koji su nastajali ” putovanjem” kroz ovu    zamisao,  fotografije, zapisi,  otisci stopala onih "čiji mi se  hod  sviđa" ili  dotiče moj život, te zamisli koje su proizašle iz ovog projekta...

Otiske svojih stopala dali su mi:tenisač Ivan Ljubičić,  glazbenik Elvis Stanić, ansambl Lado, vaterpolo klub Primorje, plivačica Sanja Jovanović, gradonačelnik Rijeke Vojko Obersnel, glazbenik Nenad Bach, umjetnik Vojo Radoičić, djeca riječkih vrtića naraštaj 2010./2011....i mnoštvo drugih.

Zbirka broji više od 3000 otisaka.

Galerija Kortil / Rijeka od 16. do 29. studenog 2011.

Marija Zudenigo
Mother is a child’s first earth. The way we learn to walk on our first earth is the way we walk through our life. All our inner imbalances adopted from this ‘walk’ make themselves known in our physical walk.

It was this insight that made me a footprint collector.

This exhibition features artefacts incited by this journey – photographs, records, footprints of the people whose way of walking I like or who walked into my life – along with the ideas prompted by this project.

The footprints belong to them : tennis player Ivan Ljubičić,  musician Elvis Stanić, the National Folk Dance Ensemble of Croatia Lado,  Water Polo Club Primorje, swimmer Sanja Jovanović, the Mayor of Rijeka Vojko Obersnel, musician Nenad Bach, artist Vojo Radoičić, kindergarten children of Rijeka - generation of 2010/2011, and many, many more.

The collection of footprints includes more than 3,000 pieces.

Kortil Art Gallery / Rijeka November 16th – 29th, 2011

Marija Zudenigo

Water-polo club Primorje

How footprints are taken?

Ivan Ljubičić, Croatian tennis player, leaving his footprint.

Goran Grgić, actor

Ivana Lušić, director of LADO, Croatian national folklore ensemble

Nenad Bach Perth, Australia

The entire Croatian coast is Magic Foot - Čarobna stopa
Photo from the book of Ivo Rudenjak: Čarobna stopa (Magic Foot)

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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