![]() | Croatia will soon host pope Benedict XVI on 4 and 5 June 2011, which is the National Day of Croatian Families. The slogan of his visit is "Together in Christ". For that occasion a very nice song has been composed, in which about 30 Croatian singers participate. The first international recognition of Croatia came in 879 from Pope John VIII, ie. 1132 years ago! |
Croatia will soon host pope Benedict XVI on 4 and 5 June 2011 which is the National Day of Croatian Families. The slogan of his visit is "Together in Christ". For that occasion a very nice song has been composed, in which about 30 Croatian singers participate. The first international recognition of Croatia came in 879 from Pope John VIII, ie. 1132 years ago! Apostolic Journey to Croatia Welcoming ceremony at Pleso International Airport in Zagreb (June 4, 2011) Meeting with representatives of civil society, the political, academic, cultural, and business world, the diplomatic corps, and religious leaders gathered in the National Croatian Theatre (Zagreb, 4 June 2011) Prayer Vigil with the Croatian youth in Bano Josip Jelačič square (Zagreb, 4 June 2011) Holy Mass on the occasion of the National Day of Croatian Catholic Families in the Zagreb Hippodrome (June 5, 2011) Recitation of the Regina Coeli in the Zagreb Hippodrome (June 5, 2011) Liturgy of Vespers with Bishops, Priests, Religious People, and Seminarians and prayer at the tomb of Blessed Alojzije Viktor Stepinac at the Cathedral dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and to St. Stephen (Zagreb, 5 June 2011) Farewell ceremony at Pleso International Airport in Zagreb (June 5, 2011) Source www.vatican.va Tiskovni ured Svete Stolice objavio je 18. travnja službeni program apostolskog pohoda pape Benedikta XVI. Hrvatskoj. Sveti Otac boravit će u Zagrebu u subotu 4. i nedjelju 5. lipnja 2011, a geslo pohoda bit će "Zajedno u Kristu". 4. lipnja, subota 9.30 – Papin će zrakoplov iz međunarodne zračne luke Leonardo da Vinci u Rimu poletjeti za Zagreb; 11.00 – Predviđen dolazak u zagrebačku zračnu luku Pleso. Tijekom svečanosti dobrodošlice u zračnoj luci Papa će održati svoj prvi govor; 12.15 – Posjet predsjedniku Republike Hrvatske u Uredu predsjednika u Zagrebu. Nakon toga u Apostolskoj nuncijaturi u Zagrebu Benedikt XVI. primit će predsjednicu Vlade Republike Hrvatske; 14.00 – Objed s članovima pratnje, također u Apostolskoj nuncijaturi; 18.15 – Susret Pape s predstavnicima civilnog društva, svijeta politike, znanosti, kulture i poduzetništva, Diplomatskog zbora te vjerskim predstavnicima u Hrvatskome narodnom kazalištu u Zagrebu; 19.30 – Bdijenje s mladima na zagrebačkom Trgu bana Josipa Jelačića. 5. lipnja, nedjelja 10.00 – Misa na zagrebačkom Hipodromu u povodu Nacionalnog dana hrvatskih katoličkih obitelji i na kraju mise Papa će predvoditi molitvu Kraljice neba; 14.00 – Objed s hrvatskim biskupima, biskupima gostima i članovima Papine pratnje u novom sjedištu Hrvatske biskupske konferencije u Zagrebu; 17.00 – Papa će slaviti Večernju s biskupima, svećenicima, redovnicima, redovnicama, bogoslovima i sjemeništarcima te se pomoliti na grobu blaženog Alojzija Stepinca u katedrali u Zagrebu; 18.15 – Posjet Nadbiskupskom dvoru u Zagrebu; 19.15 – Svečanost oproštaja u zračnoj luci Pleso u Zagrebu; 19.45 – Polazak Papina zrakoplova iz zagrebačke zračne luke; 21.15 – Dolazak u Rim. Izvor www.papa.hr |
4-5 JUNE 2011
Saturday, 4 June 2011 Sunday, 5 June 2011 Holy Mass on the occasion of the National Day of Croatian Catholic Families in the Zagreb Hippodrome Luncheon with the Bishops of Croatia, Members of the Papal Entourage at the new location of the Secretariat of the Episcopal Conference of Croatia Farewell from the Apostolic Nunciature of Zagreb Liturgy of Vespers with Bishops, Priests, Religious People, and Seminarians and prayer at the tomb of Blessed Alojzije Viktor Stepinac at the Cathedral dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and to St. Stephen Visit to Cardinal Josip Bozanic, Archbishop of Zagreb, at his residence Welcoming ceremony at Pleso International Airport in Zagreb
11:00 Arrival at Pleso International Airport of Zagreb. Welcoming ceremony at Pleso International Airport in Zagreb Address of the Holy Father 12:15 Courtesy visit to the President of the Republic at the Presidential Palace 13:50 Audience with the Prime Minister of Croatia at the Apostolic Nunciature of Zagreb 14:00 Luncheon with Members of the Papal Entourage at the Apostolic Nunciature of Zagreb 18:15 Meeting with representatives of civil society, the political, academic, cultural, and business world, the diplomatic corps, and religious leaders gathered in the National Croatian Theater Address of the Holy Father 19:30 Prayer Vigil with the Croatian youth in Bano Josip Jelačić square Address of the Holy Father
10:00 Homily of the Holy Father Recitation of the Regina Caeli in the Zagreb Hippodrome Address of the Holy Father 14:00 16:30 17:00 Address of the Holy Father 18:15 19:15 Address of the Holy Father 19:45 Departure by plane from Pleso International Airport of Zagreb for Rome
Source www.vatican.va
Mr Ambassador, I am glad to welcome you on this solemn occasion of the presentation of the Letters accrediting you as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Croatia to the Holy See. I thank you for your kind words. I would be grateful if in reciprocation you would kindly express to H.E. Mr Ivo Josipović, President of the Republic, whom I had the pleasure to meet recently, my cordial good wishes for him and for the happiness and peace of the Croatian people. The beginning of your mission happily coincides with the 20th anniversary of Croatia’s Independence. And next year will be the 20th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between your country and the Holy See. Our relations are harmonious and serene. The Holy See has always had a special concern for Croatia. My distant Predecessor, Pope Leo X, seeing the beauty of your culture and the depth of your ancestors’ faith, described your country as the “scutum saldissimum et antemurale Christianitatis” [the strongest shield and the outer walls of Christianity; D.Ž.]. These ancient values are still dear to our contemporaries who have had to face, not so long ago, particular difficulties. To fortify the present generations it is right to explain clearly to them Croatia’s rich history and the Christian culture which has watered it deeply and on which your people has always relied in adversity. I learned with pleasure that your Parliament has proclaimed this year “The Bošković Year”. This Jesuit was a physician, an astronomer, a mathematician, an architect, a philosopher and a diplomat. His life shows that it is possible to harmonize science and faith, service to the motherland and commitment to the Church. This Christian scholar said to young people that it is possible to be fulfilled in contemporary society and be happy in it while being a believer. Moreover, the monuments and the innumerable crucifixes that are scattered across your country are a clear demonstration of this felicitous symbiosis. In seeing this harmony, young people will be proud of their country, of its history and of its faith and will feel increasingly the heirs of a treasure that it is their task today to bring to fruition. Croatia will soon be a full member of the European Union. The Holy See cannot but congratulate itself on seeing the European family completed by the inclusion of States which were historically part of it. This integration, Mr Ambassador, must be brought about with full respect for the specific Croatian features of the country’s religious life and culture. It would be an illusion to wish to deny its identity to link it with another, which came into being in circumstances so different from those which saw the birth and formation of Croatia. In entering the European Union not only will your country be the recipient of an economic and juridical system which has its advantages and limitations, but it will also be able to make its own, typically Croatian, contribution. It must not be afraid to claim firmly respect for its history and its religious and cultural identity. Contentious voices are raised against with astonishing against regularity the reality of the religious roots of Europe. It has become fashionable to be amnesiac and to deny historical proofs. To say that Europe has no Christian roots is equivalent to claiming that a human being can live without oxygen and food. There is no shame in remembering and in supporting the truth, rejecting, if necessary, what is contrary to it. I am certain that your country will be able to defend its identity with conviction and pride, avoiding the new stumbling blocks which crop up and, which, under the pretext of a badly understood religious freedom, are contrary to the natural law, to the family and, quite simply, to morals. I would also like to express my pleasure at the attention your country has shown to ensuring that Croatians in Bosnia and Herzegovina may play their proper role as one of the three constitutive peoples of the country. I likewise note that in a desire for peace and healthy collaboration with the countries of your geographical and political region, Croatia does not fail to make its specific contribution to facilitate dialogue and understanding between peoples with different traditions but which have lived together for centuries. I encourage you to continue on this path which will consolidate peace with respect for each one. Even within your national boundaries, the four Agreements signed by your country and the Holy See make it possible, with respect for each identity, to discuss matters of common interest. It will be necessary to continue in this direction for the good of the parties concerned. I am pleased to note that Croatia promotes religious freedom and respect for the Church’s particular mission. For all these reasons, Mr Ambassador, I am profoundly glad to be able to visit your country in a few weeks. My Predecessor, Venerable John Paul II, visited it three times, and I myself, while I was still the head of a Roman Dicastery, have been there on several occasions. I gladly accepted the invitation of the Croatian Authorities and the invitations of the Bishops of your noble country. As you know, the theme chosen for the Visit will be: “Together in Christ!”. It is this “together” that I wish to celebrate with your people. Together, in spite of the innumerable human differences, together with these differences! And in Christ who has accompanied the Croatian people for centuries with goodness and mercy. Because of him I would like to encourage your country and to encourage the Church which is among and with you; she has accompanied with the same solicitude as Christ the destiny and progress of your nation since its origin. On this happy occasion I would also like to greet warmly the Bishops and faithful of the Catholic Church in Croatia. At the moment when you are beginning your noble mission of representation to the Holy See, I address to you, Mr Ambassador, my best wishes for the successful accomplishment of your mission. You may be certain that you will always find with my co-workers the welcome and understanding you may need. As I entrust your country to the protection of the Mother of God, Our Lady of Marija Bistrica, as well as to the intercession of Bl. Alojzije Stepinac, I warmly invoke an abundance of divine Blessings upon you, Your Excellency, upon your family and upon your co-workers, as well as upon the entire Croatian people and its leaders. Source www.vatican.vaLinks added by D.Ž. |
Zajedno u Kristu - Band Aid je pjesma Luke Balvana posvećena dolasku pape Benedikta XVI. u Hrvatsku 4. i 5. lipnja 2011.
Band Aid čini 30-ak glazbenika. U pjesmi, uz autora Balvana, sudjeluju:
Tedi Spalato, Sanja Doležal, Mladen Bodalec, Zorica Kondža, Ivana Husar Mlinac, Jacques Houdek,
Arijana Meštrović, Tomislav Meštrović, Ricardo Luque, Nina Badrić, Marko Perković-Thompson, Marija Husar Rimac,
Martina Zadro, Đani Stipaničev, Miroslav Škoro, Željka Marinović, Domagoj Pavin, Čedo Antolić, Maja Blagdan,
Tomislav Bralić i Oliver Dragojević. Aranžman i produkcija pjesme - Ante Gelo.
Karol Wojtyla: Krist na žalu, singing Ivana Husar, Matija Dedić on the piano
Krist jednom stade na žalu
tražeć' ljude za velika djela
da love srca božanskom riječi
O, Bože zar si pozvao mene
Tvoje usne moje rekoše ime
svoju lađu sada ostavljam žalu
od sad' idem kamo šalješ me Ti
Ja sam siromašan čovjek
moje blago su predanost Tebi
i srce čisto da idem s tobom
Ti trebaš dlanove moje
moga srca razžaren plamen
i kaplje znoja, samoću moju
Ti i ja krećemo danas
lovit' srca na moru života
a mreža bit' će Riječ Božja prava
Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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