![]() | The formulation "joint criminal enterprise" is an unfounded and grave insult to the Croatian people, and to justice in general. This is also how we feel about the verdict against the Croatian state leadership at that time and the generals who led campaigns to liberate territory during the war. We believe that these judgments could provide dangerous and indirect support for new violence, as well as a source of further injustice in the world. |
Haaška presuda generalima Anti Gotovini, Ivanu Čermaku i Mladenu Markaču unijela je nemir u srca mnogih hrvatskih građana te je narušila njihovo povjerenje u institucije pravde i istine na međunarodnoj razini. I mi hrvatski biskupi, skupa s našim vjernicima, dijelimo nevjericu i tugu zbog te presude i njezinoga pravnog obrazloženja. Zabrinuti smo i zbog njezinoga negativnoga utjecaja na interpretacije i povijesne prosudbe osloboditeljskog rata Republike Hrvatske tj. obrane od srpske agresije. Bojimo se k tomu da će to utjecati i na međunarodni ugled Republike Hrvatske i hrvatskog naroda u cjelini, te na izgradnju mira i pravde u međunarodnim odnosima. Izražavamo svoju kršćansku i ljudsku solidarnost s osuđenim generalima, Antom Gotovinom i Mladenom Markačem i s njihovim obiteljima. Isto tako izražavamo solidarnost i sa svim nevinim žrtvama i ljudima, bez obzira kojem narodu pripadali, a stradali su tijekom domovinskog rata na bilo kojem bojištu od Iloka i Vukovara do Konavala i Dubrovnika. Njihova patnja i stradanje zaslužuje našu sućut i osudu. Zbog toga pozivamo sve odgovorne u našoj Domovini da počinjene zločine istražuju i pravedno kažnjavaju, kako bi pravda postala službenicom mira na našim prostorima. Istodobno očekujemo da svi odgovorni u svijetu postojano brane načela međunarodnoga prava koje će biti jednako za sve, velike i male narode. Jer, samo tako pravda i istina mogle bi biti jamac i temelj mira i uzajamnog razumijevanja. Formulacija o "udruženom zločinačkom pothvatu" je neutemeljena i teška uvreda hrvatskom narodu, kao i pravdi uopće. Takvom doživljavamo i presudu tadašnjem državnom hrvatskom vodstvu i generalima koji su vodili oslobodilačke akcije u Domovinskom ratu. Smatramo da ta presuda može postati opasna i indirektna potpora novom nasilju, kao i izvorom daljnjih nepravdi u svijetu. Zbog toga nastavak suđenja u tom procesu zaslužuje maksimalnu osjetljivost pravnih stručnjaka za istinu i za pravdu, kao i pozornost čitave međunarodne zajednice za konačni pravedni pravorijek u tom procesu. Ponovno pozivamo građane Republike Hrvatske da unatoč doživljenoj nepravdi čuvaju svoje dostojanstvo, mir srca i bistrinu uma. Sve pozivamo na slogu, zajedništvo i ustrajnost u traženju i prihvaćanju cjelovite istine i pravde. A vjernike pozivamo na molitvu te neka se nadahnjuju snagom i dostojanstvom poniženog, osuđenog i uskrsnuloga Krista. Neka budu postojani u njegovoj školi ljubavi koja ne pita za cijenu i za žrtvu. Neka mole i za prosvjetljenje srca svih odgovornih za ostvarenje vladavine pravde i istine. Istina i pravda su, naime, preduvjet mira i solidarnosti među ljudima i narodima. Izvor Hrvatska biskupska konferencija | The Hague's verdicts in the cases of Generals Ante Gotovina, Ivan Čermak and Mladen Markač have brought anxiety to the hearts of many Croatian citizens and undermined their confidence in the institutions of justice and truth at the international level. We Croatian bishops, together with our congregations, share disbelief and sadness because of these rulings and the accompanying explanation. We are also concerned about their negative impact on the interpretation and historical assessment of the Croatian War of Independence, i.e., defense from Serbian aggression. We are afraid, moreover, that this will affect the international reputation of the Republic of Croatia and the Croatian people as a whole, as well as the building of peace and justice in international relations. We express our Christian and human solidarity with the convicted generals, Ante Gotovina and Mladen Markač, and with their families. We also express our solidarity with all innocent victims and people, regardless of their ethnic affiliations, who fell during the Homeland War on any battlefield, from Ilok and Vukovar to Konavle and Dubrovnik. Their pain and suffering warrant our sympathy and condemnation. Therefore, we urge all those responsible in our country to investigate the crimes that have been committed and punish them justly, in order for justice to become the servant of peace in our region. At the same time, we expect all those responsible in the world to defend steadfastly the principles of international law that should be the same for all, large and small nations. Only such justice and truth can be a guarantor and foundation for peace and mutual understanding. The formulation "joint criminal enterprise" is an unfounded and grave insult to the Croatian people, and to justice in general. This is also how we feel about the verdict against the Croatian state leadership at that time and the generals who led campaigns to liberate territory during the war. We believe that these judgments could provide dangerous and indirect support for new violence, as well as a source of further injustice in the world. Therefore, the continuation of the trial in this case merits the maximum sensitivity of legal experts to the truth and justice, as well as the attention of the entire international community for a final just verdict in this case. We again urge the citizens of the Republic of Croatia, despite the injustices endured, to retain their dignity, peace of heart and clarity of mind. We call everyone to harmony, unity and perseverance in seeking and accepting the full truth and justice. We call the faithful to prayer. May they be inspired by the strength and dignity of the humiliated, condemned and risen Christ. May they be steadfast in His school of love that does not ask the price of sacrifice. May they pray for the enlightenment of the hearts of all those responsible for achieving the rule of justice and truth. Justice and truth are, in fact, prerequisites for peace and solidarity among people and nations. Source Croatian Conference of Bishops |
Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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